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}hyVhКhЗ`ho`hПYhЯ  Й:Aahh...........Huh?
<It's morning already.........I was having a dream...What was it about?Hmm...Somebody I know was in it...Who could it have been?I wish I could remember.       
CT10A0*WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*Hidemi:  Good morning, Shu-chan!!%001:  Aaaaah!As usual, Mom tries to give me a good-morning kiss.nxВМЦак┤
defghijklmI barely avoid mom as she jumps at me and make my retreat 
into a corner of the room. She plants herself on the bed,
disappointed.Hidemi:  Shu-chan, why are you running away from me?%001:  Will you stop that! Mom, you're over forty and you
still do this every morning Hidemi:  Ah, but all of the ladies in the neighborhood
always say, 'Oh, Hidemi, you look so young!'%001:  That's not the point!%001:  Anyway, I start the new school today, so, will you 
please cut it out?Hidemi:  That's right. Shu-chan, congratulations. Come here, my
baby...!!%001:  Waaah!!
<I finally manage to throw my kissing mother out of the
room.%001:  God, save me from a crazy mother...Mom storms into the room and jumps on me. Then the crazy
woman puts me in a headlock%001:  Fwaa!Hidemi:  Good morning Shu-chan! Oooh!Mmmwa!%001:  Will you stop that! Mom, you're over forty and you
still do this every morning Hidemi:  Ah, but all of the ladies in the neighborhood
always say, 'Oh, Hidemi, you look so young!'%001:  That's not the point!%001:  Anyway, I start school today. So, will you please
cut it out.Hidemi:  That's right. Shu-chan, congratulations. Come
here, my baby!!%001:  Whaaah!!
<I finally manage to throw my kissing mother out of the
room.%001:  God, save me from a crazy mother...%001:  Why the hell do you always come in the window?Nobuyuki:  Call it a hobby.%001:  ......................................I get a cold feeling from my father's laugh.Did he do something to me while I was asleep?Nobuyuki:  %001, I got some good footage today. Take a look.Dad pushes the video camera's viewfinder up against my
eye.%001:  Cut it out!Nobuyuki:  So, you start prep school today.Dad laughs, but he seems a little sad.Nobuyuki:  My little boy... Oh, %001...%001:  Dad...Nobuyuki:  %001. Here's a little something to commemorate
your getting into the new school.Dad pulls out a duffle bag from somewhere containing a bunch
of video tapes.Nobuyuki:  Your father's memories of an erotic youth! Girls'
dorm, shower room, park. And there's more!Nobuyuki:  My advice to you is, learn about women,
and you won't screw up your first time with a girl!%001:  .....................................Nobuyuki:  %001, speechless, huh? I'm glad you're so
happy.%001:  I'm speechless with embarrassment!Nobuyuki:  %001, a normal boy would be thrilled to get
this sort of thing.%001:  I don't think so!Nobuyuki:  By the way, %001, aren't you late for school?%001:  Huh?With dread, I look at the clock... 8:20.%001:  Oh, shit!I grab my bag and run out the room.
CT10A0Hidemi:  Shu-chan, here's your good bye kiss.  Mmm....%001:  No thanks!Hidemi:  Oh, Shu-chan. Don't be shy!I dodge mom's good bye kiss attack and fly out the door.
9T_01CS102.OVLI'm %001 Yamagami, sixteen years old.  Today, I start
Kotobuki Prep School.It's a school that comes in between high school, where 
students prepare for college. Everyone at our school is
over eighteen.I throw off my pajamas and put on my brand-new school
uniform.It's a great feeling to put on a new uniform.Today I start school. I wonder what it'll be like?My mom, Hidemi Yamagami. Forty-one this year.She looks young and acts even younger. Sometimes I don't
know what to do about her.I especially wish she'd stop trying to kiss me all the
the time.If Dad would only be more forceful with her...She's my Mom, Hidemi Yamagami. Forty-one this year.She looks young and acts even younger. Sometimes I
don't know what to do about her.It's amazing that with a parents like that I came out such
a straight person.He's my Dad, Nobuyuki Yamagami, the pillar of support for 
our family. I guess that you could say he's president of
Yamagami Electric. But it's such a small store. 
CT09A0Nobuyuki:  Hi, %001.%001:  Wah!!Suddenly dad crawls in the window like an idiot. My room is on
the second floor.He's an electronics store manager by profession. But he's
actually a perverted peeping tom.Nobuyuki:  Come on, %001. Don't look at your father that
way.Dad gives me a sad look.Dad's hobby is peeping. Every night, he takes his home-
made starlight scope and infra-red video camera and
films couples having sex in the park.My father is so pitiful. I certainly don't want to end
up like him.Nobuyuki:  You injure me, my son.My father runs this little electronics store. In other
words, the first floor of our house is the shop. A lot
of families in Japan run businesses that way.Sales are not bad. At least we make enough to live on.