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:AE_004I open my eyes and someone is staring down at me.A girl is staring at me with a strange expression. The
fully-blooming cherry blossoms behind her.Is she some kind of spirit? The spirit of this tree????:  What are you doing here?%001:  I'm just cutting class.???:  Is that so?%001:  What about you????:  I was wondering if you were dead or not.%001:  I'm just taking a nap.???:  Is that so?%001:  And what about you????:  I was wondering if you were dead or not.%001:  I was meditating.???:  Oh. Am I interrupting you?%001:  Not really. What are you doing here????:  I was wondering if you were dead.She's a girl at our school.She has such pretty eyes.She sits down beside me.With the cherry blossoms behind her, it all seems like
a dream.???:  Do you mind if I sit here?%001:  You don't have to ask my permission to sit here. The
cherry tree is the school's property.???:  Property?%001:  I guess it's strange to call a living thing that.  
CT03A0She sits down beside me.???:  So, have you decided what club you want to join?%001:  I decided what club to join before school started.???:  Which one?%001:  The 'going home after school club.'???:  Huh????:  You didn't find any interesting clubs?%001:  Oh, there are a lot of interesting clubs. Just none
that I want to join.???:  What, like the 'Friends of Pickled Radishes'?...I didn't see that one.???:  Do you like tennis?%001:  Tennis? Are you in the tennis club? Um, what's
your name...?Mio:  Mio. Mio Suzuki. Class 1-E.%001:  I'm %001 Yamagami. I'm in 1-A.%001:  I'm not very good at tennis, though.Mio:  It's okay. You can pick it up in no time.Mio:  I just have this feeling that you were made for tennis.%001:  Really?.....I listen half-heartedly as Mio extolls the merits of
tennis.I don't tell her the reason why I want to avoid sports
altogether.???:  Oh, here you are.CS204.OVL