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#CT01A0I'd heard that voice before. I turned around to see Reiko,
the girl I almost ran over on the first day of school.Reiko:  Long time no see, %001. Have you gotten used to
the school yet?%001:  I guess.Reiko:  So what club have you decided to join? Gymnastics,
I'll bet?%001:  I really haven't given it much thought.Mio:  Well...Reiko:  How about the swim team?%001:  The swim team?%001:  So you're on the swim team.Mio:  Excuse me?Mio looks angry as she pulls on my arm.%001:  Ah, sorry.Reiko:  Who's this?%001:  She's in the tennis club...Mio:  I'm Mio Suzuki.Mio:  %001 is going to join the tennis club.Reiko:  I think %001 said 'I really haven't given it much
thought.'It looked like fireworks were going off between those
two for a moment.What next?%001:  Ah! There you are!I didn't have to guess who's voice that was coming up
behind me. It was Kiyomi Shinfuji.CS205.OVL