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CT02A0It looked like Kiyomi ran all the way here. She was out
of breath.%001:  Kiyomi? What's wrong?Kiyomi:  I... I was looking all over for you.Kiyomi:  %001, have you decided what club you're joining?Mio:  The tennis club!Reiko:  No, the swim team!%001:  ....I haven't decided.Kiyomi:  Oh. Then, how about joining the baseball team?%001:  The baseball team?Kiyomi:  I was in the softball team in junior high.%001:  Really? Is there a girls' baseball team here?Kiyomi:  There is. But I've become manager of the boys' 
baseball team instead.(She doesn't mean that she's really the manager of the team....)(In Japan, girls become 'managers' of boy's sports teams,
which means they help out washing uniforms and things
like that.)Kiyomi:  It is my dream to go the the national championships
with you.Kiyomi:  It'll be just like that manga we all used
to read!Mio:  No! %001 is going to the inter-high tennis tounament
with me!Reiko:  No, he is going for a gold medal with me!What's going on?!Kiyomi:  Oh, hello.Kiyomi:  You're Mio Suzuki from the tennis club, right?I've heard a lot about you.Kiyomi:  I'm Kiyomi Shinfuji, first year, A class. It's a
pleasure to meet you.     
CT02A0Mio:  I'm Mio Suzuki.Mio bowed politely to Kiyomi.Kiyomi:  And you must be Reiko Sawamura, the future gold
medalist.Kiyomi:  It is a pleasure to meet you.

#CT01W   <
#CT01A0Reiko:  Uh, same here.Kiyomi:  And why are these two with you, %001?Mio:  %001 is going to join the tennis club.Reiko:  No he isn't. He is joining the swim team!Mio:  Well!It looked like Kiyomi finally figured out what was going on, 
and decided to get in the fight.  
CT02K   ;
CT02KA0Kiyomi:  Then I guess that makes us all rivals then.Reiko:  Is that so?Mio:  Kiyomi, I warn you, I don't like to lose a fight!Mio was getting really worked up.Kiyomi:  I accept your challenge. But I won't give %001
up easily.Kiyomi:  Any way you look at it, I spend the most time
with %001 since he's in my class. It is only a matter of
time before love sprouts.%001:  Now wait a minute!This converation was getting out of hand.%001:  I think I have a say in this!Kiyomi:  That's right. So decide, %001. Baseball, right?Mio:  The tennis club, right %001?Reiko:  I think that swimming is best for you, %001.%001:  Ummmm...No matter which one I choose, the other two girls will be
let down.What can I do?%001:  I have an idea.%001:  I can't make such a sudden decision. So why don't
I try out each club first?Reiko:  That's fine with me.Kiyomi:  Okay!Mio:  I'll be waiting for you.
<All three of them seemed to be satisfied for the moment.%001:  *whew*I succcombed to exhaustion.The spring breeze was refreshingly cool.CS206.OVL