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CT12A0I arrived at the tennis courts.%001:  Well, what kind of challenge do you have waiting
for me?Mio:  You have to go three matches with me!Kyoko:  %001, do you know the rules?fShe's smiling, but I can tell she's thinking about winning.She's fallen down flat on the court.She's up in the judges chair.Mio:  If I win, you have to join the tennis club.Mio:  ....*pant*....pant*....Mio's breathing hard.%001:  Hey, I told you you weren't strong enough for it.Kiyomi:  %001, Mio is a top-class player, you know.%001:  She is?Kyoko:  Yes. You didn't beat her with stamina. You're
either an experienced player or a born natural.I did it again.   
CT03IA0Mio:  %001...%001:  Uh...%001:  Anyway, I won.I made my escape from that place.2e32Ю6╪
%001:  This isn't fair. Mio may be good, but she's got no
chance against me. I'll beat her with stamina, because she's
a girl.Kyoko:  You seem pretty self-confident.Kyoko:  Why don't you show him how much stamina you've
got, Mio?%001:  This is only the second time I picked up a
racket.Kyoko:  Then I will give you a short explanation.Kyoko:  Hit the ball into the opponent's court. If you get
four points against you and you loose that match.Kyoko:  Whoever takes six games wins the set.Kyoko:  It's a three-set match. So whoever gets two sets first
is the winner.%001:  So if you just keep hitting the ball in the
opponent's court, you win, right?Kyoko:  That's one way to put it.      
CT03A0%001:  I've seen it in comic books.Kyoko:  In comics?%001:  So if you just keep hitting the ball in the
opponent's court, you win, right?Kyoko:  That's one way to put it.      
CT03A0Kyoko:  You serve first, %001.%001:  Me?%001:  Okay...I serve without really looking at the ball.*HIT*Zoom....%001:  Alright! A home run.Kyoko:  Fault! Didn't I say to hit it in your opponent's
court?Kyoko:  Serve again.%001:  Okay. This time I'll hit it gently.*HIT* *smack*This time the ball got stuck in the net.Kyoko:  Double fault. 0-15......This is pretty hard.%001:  .....*swing**HIT*This time the ball flew straight into the other court.*WHACK*Mio effortly hit the ball back. It drew a low arc over the
net and bounced in front of me.%001:  What the...?
2AE_042*BAT*The ball flew just as I aimed and landed in the corner of
Mio's court.Kyoko:  Out!%001:  Come on! That was in!Kyoko:  Didn't you know?Kyoko:  In singles, the boundry is the inner line, not the
outer one. We won't count that one.................................................Mio:  Eh!%001:  *swing**HIT*Kyoko:  15-15.............................................%001:  *swing**SPOCK* 
CT12A0Kyoko:  Game set. %001 wins......It took some getting used to. But in the end, I won.Baseball or swimming next...I'll go try baseball first.I set off towards the baseball field............................................Kyoko:  I didn't know that %001 had such talent.Kyoko:  Mio, don't give up. We have to get %001 to join
the team.Mio:  %001...Mio:  Didn't you like tennis?CS209_1.OVLI better not keep Reiko waiting anymore.I head for the pool.........................................Kyoko:  I didn't know that %001 had such talent.Kyoko:  Mio, don't give up. We have to get %001 to join
the team.Mio:  %001....Mio:  Didn't you like tennis?CS210.OVL