
Subversion Repositories NedoOS


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CT01A0Reiko:  So, I am last.%001:  .........Reiko:  Your opponent is me. If I win, you will join the
swim team.%001:  Are you sure you want to go ahead with this?Reiko:  What, you trying to get out of it? Stand up to a
challenge like a man.%001:  But there's no way I can win. I....can't swim.Reiko:  You what?%001:  Like I said, it would be a waste of time for me to
join the swim team. So I guess we just have to... 
CT01D   ;
CT01DA0Reiko:  Oh no, you aren't fooling me!%001:  No wait!Reiko grabbed my arm and pulled me into the pool.Reiko:  There is no way that a natural athlete like you
can't swim!%001:  Hwaa! Fwagh!Reiko:  Stop pretending to drown. You are going to race
me!%001:  *burble burble*Reiko:  Be a man! Stop trying to get out of a challenge.%001:  *burb*<Reiko:  If you hate me and swimming so much, you should
have said so from the beginning...%001:  ............................................Reiko:  %001?..................................................Reiko:  Is it possible... You really can't swim?..............................*burb*    
CT01IA0Reiko:  %001, are you okay?! Oh no, he's not breathing!Reiko:  I'd better give him mouth-to-mouth!Reiko:  .........Oh, but...Reiko:  Oh, this is no time to be embarrassed.Reiko:  I've got to try something...    
CT13A0Dean:  Ho, Reiko. How have you been?Reiko:  Ah, the dean...Dean:  What's wrong with this lad?Reiko:  Um, he.... He drowned, sir.Dean:  We can't have that! Leave it to me!*GHA*Reiko:  Ah!*FWOOOO*%001:  *cough* *cough*Dean:  Alright, that's better. He'll be alrigt.Dean:  He'll be okay. I'll just take him to the nurse
to be sure. You continue your practice.Dean:  .........................................Dean:  Oh, I almost forgot. I have something important 
to tell you.Reiko:  What?Dean:  I just got word that Honmaguro University
accepted your application 
CT01K   ;
CT01KA0Reiko:  What? Honmaguro accepted me?Dean:  That's right. It looks like I will be seeing
you in the next Olympics.Reiko:  Wow, Honmaguro University...Reiko:  Alright! I made it!Reiko:  Ah, sir, don't forget about about %001!............................................CS211.OVL