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<%001:  Where is this????:  The gymnastics training room.%001:  It is...?
2AE_005 So, what are...Whah!?She took off her top and was working on getting my shirt
off.Who the hell is this girl?She seemed to be about my age.Her breasts are huge. I've never really seen anything
like them before....I shouldn't be thinking of her that way!She's wearing a blue, patterned bra.So they make them like this too. They only advertise the
white ones on TV. I didn't think they made colored ones..................................................Why do I think of the strangest things when in a situation
like this?f%001:  Wha, wha, what...???:  You're so cute.%001:  Ho, ho, hold on... Stop!???:  Just as I thought. You're a virgin.%001:  Uh, uh, uh...???:  You're such a strong boy. It makes me so excited!%001:  Ya, ya, ya, ya...???:  Look these these arms of yours. Wonderful!%001:  Eh, ah, um...???:  And these leg muscles. So perfect.  fg
 %001:  ....Ho, ho, ho, hold on!!???:  It's all just the way I like it!???:  Oh my Shu-kun...Whaaa.%001:  ...Hey, hold on!!Reiko:  Hold it right there!!!!%001:  Whaaaaaaaa!!!!!Reiko:  We said STOP!!CS213.OVLWho in the hell is this girl?Why did she take me here?
What does she want to do?
Well, that seems pretty clear, actually....................................I should say something......................................But when there is.....something like that...right in front
of your face...I think she wants to have sex.g