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CT02DA0Reiko:  What are you doing, %001!?Kiyomi:  Stop that right now. That sort of activity is
forbidden at school!Kiyomi:  ...How perverted...%001:  No, wait! I'm not doing anything!???:  How awful! Didn't you just tell me you love me, and want
to make love to me?%001:  I did not!Shoko:  Just forget them and let's get on with it!%001:  With them watching?e6Ч%001:  Help me, Reiko! Kiyomi! Mio!Reiko:  I only know one person who is crazy enough to pull
a stunt like this!  I knew it was you, Shoko.%001:  ...You know her?Reiko:  If anyone does. She is in my class.Shoko:  Third year, A class, Shoko Nishino. Pleased to make
your acquaintance, Shu-kun.%001:  Just get off me!Mio:  Why would you do such a thing to %001?!Shoko:  Why do you think?Reiko:  No need to guess. She's trying to get you to join the
soccer team.Kiyomi:  That person is from the soccer team?Reiko:  That's right. And she is famous for pulling stunts
like this.Reiko:  I'd heard the rumors, but I didn't know she was this
much of a slut.Shoko:  Hahaha! Too bad for you!Shoko:  I will have him on the soccer team!Shoko:  The reason is... I love him!Reiko:  What?!Mio:  Oh my god!Kiyomi:  This is shocking...%001:  But we just met!Shoko:  Time is of no matter in love!Shoko:  When I first say my Shu-kun, my heart leapt. I had
had this strange feeling.Shoko:  Shu-kun, your heart is racing, isn't it?%001:  Yeah, but...Shoko:  That's right. We match perfectly!%001:  I doubt that, somehow.Mio:  %001, don't be fooled!Shoko:  Shu-kun, are you trying to make fun of me?%001:  Whaaa!%001:  Hey, really, lay off!I try to push her off.*SQUISH*???:  Ooh! Shu-kun!Reiko:  %001, you pervert!%001:  Wait! That was an accident!f6Ч%001:  Shoko, this is enough!I tried to push her off.*SQUISH*???:  Shuuu. That's wonderful!Kiyomi:  I can't believe you, %001!%001:  I didn't do it on purpose!f6Чddef
dShoko:  Reiko, we want to make love. Would you please
leave?Reiko:  You're such a slut!Shoko:  Or would you rather watch? Shoko:  Shu-kun, come here.2%001:  Huh, what's...I was pulled down under the mats.Shoko:  Ooohh, Shu-kun!%001:  S- Stop that!I tried to get away from the hands taking off my pants.Reiko:  Shoko! Think of what you're doing!Kiyomi:  This is wrong!Mio:  Let %001 go!%001:  Help!
9I managed to get out of the mats.Shoko:  Oh Shu-kun, you're such a technician.Reiko:  Hey, who's got their head in my skirt?!Kiyomi:  Stop now, please!Mio:  Ow, ow, ow, ow. My hair...There's a real tangle under those mats.Reiko:  Let me go!Kiyomi:  This is wrong!Mio:  Whaa! Whoa!Shoko:  Ooooh....................I'm out of here!I silently made my way out of the gymnastics room...................................Shoko:  What? Where's Shu-kun?   
CT02RA0Reiko:  Slut!Kiyomi:  Stop! Stop!Mio:  Kiyomi, that hurts!Kiyomi:  ...Ah!    
CT04DA0Shoko:  Oh! Reiko, how could you be so mean?Reiko:  I'll never let you have %001!Shoko:  Oh, really? Shu-kun's going to be my steady,
you wait.Shoko:  Nobody will get in the way of our love.
CT02A0Mio:  She's gone...Reiko:  Looks that way. What a bitch!Kiyomi:  %001 is gone too...Mio:  At least we got here in time...       
#CT01K   ;
#CT01KA0Reiko:  Hmm...Kiyomi:  Then let's go home too.Reiko:  Hey, want to get some ice cream on the way home?
My treat. 
CT03K   ;
CT03KA0Mio:  Really!Kiyomi:  You're sure?Reiko:  To celebrate %001's getting away from Shoko.Mio:  Alright! Let's go!Kiyomi:  No need to hurry. The ice cream isn't going