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CT02A0%001:  Wow, what are you all doing here?Kiyomi:  You must be cold out here.Reiko:  Hi.Mio:  We brought some more food!%001:  Huh? I understand why Kiyomi is here, since she 
volunteered to help us find a spot, but Reiko and Mio too?Reiko:  We had Kiyomi bring us along. Are we in the
way?Kyoko:  Not, of course not. Sit down.%001:  Kyoko-sensei even brought some sake...Kyoko:  Let's see what you brought.Kyoko opened the box that the girls brought.Kyoko:  Wow!There was a veritable feast in the box with fried chicken,
eggs, sausage, potatoes, fish sticks, eggplant with bacon,
potato salad, and onigiri rice triangles.The evening sakura are hauntingly beautiful.It makes you feel like plants really are living beings,
capable of thought.       
CT02V   ;
CT02VA0Kiyomi:  You know what? I heard that, under this cherry
tree, there's a dead body buried.Kiyomi:  The tree sucks up the essence of the body. That's
why the flowers bloom so beautifully.     
#CT01I   ;
#CT01IA0Reiko:  H- Hey, stop that! I hate ghost stories!Kiyomi:  Look! There is a face on the tree behind Reiko.Reiko:  !!Mio:  What?!Reiko clung to Mio, sitting beside her.   
CT02A0Kiyomi:  Of course that is only superstition. You certainly
scare easily.Kyoko:  A body under the cherry tree...        
CT02V   ;
CT02VA0Kiyomi:  The tree sucks up the essence of the body. That's
why the flowers bloom like that.Kyoko:  Let's bury Makoto. Then they'll be pretty next year,
too.%001:  Hey! Cut it out. 
CT02A0Reiko:  Oh, why don't you just come out and say it straight,
that the flowers are pretty? What do you think, Mio?Mio:  Urum?Mio had her mouth full of rice.e6NKiyomi:  Makoto looks like he has passed out, Sensei.Kiyomi:  Yes. If he's in your way, just move him.Kiyomi:  Oh, okay...She uncerimoniously pushes Makoto out of the way.Poor Makoto.Makoto:  ......Drink some more.....He looks content.It would be bad to wake him up. I should stop trying to
talk to him.%001:  Did you make this, Reiko?Reiko:  I can't really cook. I just spiced it a little.Reiko:  Mio, you really cook well.Mio:  Kiyomi's little brother Shinji is a better cook than
I am.Kiyomi:  If you practice every day, you naturally get
better. He gets a lot of practice.%001:  He does?Kiyomi:  Yes. My mother died three years ago...%001:  ......I'm sorry.Kiyomi:  It's alright. We're here to see the cherry blossoms,
though. Let's have fun.g6N%001:  Can you cook too?Kiyomi:  No.... My brother Shinji is the cook in the
family.Kiyomi:  I just help out.Kiyomi:  I mashed the potatoes for the potato salad.h6NMio:  Should we wake up Makoto?%001:  I guess so. We don't want him to drown in his own
vomit.%001:  Hey, wake up. Makoto!Makoto:  Mmmmm.....%001:  There's some food here.Makoto:  Mmmmmmm..... Food....%001:  ...We better let him sleep it off.Mio:  I made this fried chicken.%001:  Really?%001:  It's really great.Mio:  Really?Mio:  The sakura are beautiful, aren't they?i6NKyoko:  Hey, this potato dish is great. Whoever made it
is going to be a great wife someday.Kiyomi:  Haha... That's going to be a problem.Kiyomi:  My little brother Shinji made that. I'd hate to
see him become a bride.Kyoko:  A good man has to be able to cook, nowadays.Reiko:  How about you, Sensei?Kyoko:  Don't change the subject.f6N  efghi