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CT12A0Kyoko:  Say, %001...%001:  What?Kyoko:  You didn't join any of the clubs, did you?%001:  .....................Kyoko:  Why not?      
CT02A0Reiko, Kiyomi, and Mio are all looking at me in silence.Makoto is passed out drunk.Of course he might just be pretending to sleep so he can
eavesdrop.%001:  ......I'm just not interested in any of them.Kyoko:  That's because you're so good at sports. They
aren't challenging.%001:  It's not that.%001:  I..... I haven't tried hard for anything for a long
time now.%001:  I do seem to do well at whatever I do, though. I
mean, I even beat Mio on my second day holding a racket.%001:  Before, to show off my skills. I wanted to be the
class hero in everything.%001:  Then one day I realized that I was isolated from
the rest of the class by doing things like that. I was an
outsider.%001:  Everyone else practiced hard to get good at
whatever sport they were into. But for me, it just seemed
to come naturally.%001:  They all cheered for me when it was my turn to
play. But there was something cold about it all.%001:  After that, I just couldn't go to school anymore.
I got my Dad to transfer me to a different school.%001:  It was then that I decided...until I meet someone
better than me, a realy incredible person, I wouldn't get 
into any sports.There was complete silence from everyone.%001:  I...I'm just kidding! The real reason I didn't want
to join a club is, I don't like sports...Kyoko:  Haha...!
:That lifted the air of tension.%001:  You mean, you actually believed my first story?Reiko:  Who's the gullible one?      
CT14IA0Makoto:  %001...!!%001:  ?!Makoto, resurrected like a zombie, got me in another headlock.Makoto:  I thought we were best friends. Why didn't you
wake me up when the food got here?%001:  Get off me!!Makoto:  I'll get you back...someday...!%001:  Aaaaah!And that's more or less how our night of sakura viewing