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<AE_012Reiko:  Is that the new girl I heard about?The wall of people surrounding Ruri has finally dissapated......Although maybe self-destructed is a better term.%001:  She hardly talks at all.Kiyomi:  Everyone was trying to talk to her, but it looks
like they've all given up.He just went barreling into a desk.Wonder what he's in such a hurry about?She's just sitting there quietly, all by herself.Funny. I kind of feel like I want to go over to her.Everybody's in little groups, talking about something or
other.Nobody's even trying to talk to Ruri anymore..As usual, everyone is making lots of noise.All except for her.Oh, here comes Makoto.Makoto:  %001.Makoto:  Well, I found out all I could about Sleeping
Beauty over there.%001:  Well it was you who wanted to know, but anyway,
what did you find out?Makoto:  It seems that she's from a really rich family.
She's really well-bred.%001:  Really. Yes, that makes sense.Makoto:  She transfers school a lot, for some reason.
Something to do with her family's wishes. Even though the
school year just started, this is her third school already!%001:  Three times in less than a month?       
CT14A0Makoto:  Well, that's what I was able to find out.%001:  You've done well, Makoto. Thanks...Makoto:  What, no reward?Kiyomi:  I guess she doesn't want to open her heart to
us, knowing that she might have to change schools again
soon...Reiko:  That might be right. It'd be hard for her when she
leaves, if she makes friends here.Mio:  The poor girl.%001:  ..............A silence fell over us.Then Reiko spoke. 
#CT01A0Reiko:  %001, are you free on the third of May? It's Golden
Week, so we'll have a week off of school.%001:  Sure, why?Reiko:  Well, I was thinking of going into town for some
shopping... Do you want to come along?%001:  Sure, why not?

CT03W     <
CT03A0Mio:  Can I come along, too?%001:  Sure, why don't we all go?Reiko:  .....................

CT02W   <
CT02A0Kiyomi:  Great, it should be fun going shopping in a big
group.Reiko:  ....Oh, well.Kiyomi:  Well, we have to decide when and where to meet,
where we'll go, and.....................................................       
CT14A0Makoto:  Isn't anyone going to invite me?Makoto:  In that case, I wonder what Ruri is doing during
Golden Week.
<AE_012Ruri:  .........................=CS403.OVL