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<Today is the first day of Golden Week.Reiko, Kiyomi, Mio and I met in front of the station to
go shopping.There wasn't anything I really wanted to buy, so I ended
up carrying all of their bags.They were heavy!e68Since it was a holiday today, everyone was out shopping.      
#CT01A0Reiko:  Sorry about making you carry the bags, %001.%001:  Oh, it's no problem. 
CT03A0Mio:  Reiko, what should we do now?Reiko:  Let me see....     
CT02KA0Kiyomi:  Well, that department store over there is having
a great sale today.Reiko:  Zero One?Kiyomi:  Shall we go there next?f68Kiyomi:  Well, let's go there, then.I wonder why girls like shopping so much?g68Golden Week is a week of holidays in Japan.By accident, several Japanese holidays, such as Children's
Day, National Foundation Day and Emperor Hirohito's
birthday took place in the same week.The travel industry added the name Golden Week as a means
of getting people to travel more.Well, I don't have any money for that, so I might as well
hang out with these three.h68  efgh
 Reiko:  Well, let's check out Zero One, then.Mio:  Sure!We all went inside.CS404.OVL