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<I'm in front of the station.eeeff  fgg
ghhhefgh
eCS411.OVLIt's Golden Week, so there are a lot of people out.Lots of people travel during Golden Week, of course.On the other hand, all the hotels get expensive this time
of year. I wouldn't spend the money, personally.I wonder what everyone is doing?Hmm, where should I go now?When you think fast food, you think of M-Burger. It's a
famous chain of restaurants.They recently lowered their prices, so students like me
go there all the time now.It doesn't taste all that good, but at least it's cheap.Citizens' Park is a good place to relax.It's a big department store, Maru-One. We call it 'Zero
One' sometimes. I went there with Reiko and everyone
yesterday.It's a game center, called Babel. They always have the
newest games there.I am a little hungry.I guess I'll get something to eat at M-Burger.CS410_2.OVLI just went there. I'm not hungry right now.I guess I'll feed the pigeons or something.CS410_3.OVLI'm tired of the park.I was with Reiko and the others yesterday, so I didn't
get to buy anything I wanted. Guess I'll do that now.CS410_4.OVLI don't want to go again. I'll just have to carry
everything around with me.There's nothing like spending time at a game center when
you've got free time.CS410_5.OVLI already went there.