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 $jxМЪвк&,28<$%@c  Fc  Lc  S  \  LOOKTALKTHINKGO HOMELEAVEMEIMI@cК╖zыFcaЖ$чq
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<I'm back at the river where we were yesterday.%001:  Mm? Somebody's here.%001:  ........It's.....
<AE_014Meimi:  ...........................It's Meimi! What's she doing down here?It's Meimi.What's she doing down here?She's staring out at the water...Is she doing an immitation
of Ruri or something?..........................No one would do immitations of people with no one else
around. That can't be it.Meimi:  ........................*SKIP* *KERSPLASH*.....What? Now she's throwing rocks into the river.%001:  ..............*SKIP* *KERSPLASH*......She really seems depressed about something.She's not here anymore.I guess I should go try to cheer her up or something.I pick up a rock lying by my feet and sneak over to her.%001:  .........*THROW**SKIP* *SKIP* *SKIP* *SKIP* *SKIP* *KERSPLASH*    
CT08DA0Meimi:  ...........!%001:  ..........Hi, Meimi.%001:  What's the matter? Why are you out here all alone?Meimi:  Oh, no reason!%001:  ...................%001:  Meimi? Are you angry about something?%001:  Did anything happen?Meimi:  It has nothing to do with you. Why don't you go
away?*SKIP* *SKIP* *SKIP* *SKIP* *SKIP* ......%001:  That was a good throw.Meimi:  ...............................*SKIP* *SKIP* *SKIP* *SKIP*....%001:  .....Oh, that one wasn't that good.%001:  You'll need to skip the stone about five more times
to tie my record.Meimi:  ......................!!*SKIP* *SKIP* *SKIP* *SKIP* *SKIP* .............................................Meimi:  *pant*.....*pant*.....*pant*.....*pant*.....*pant*.....%001:  ........Are you alright?     
CT08I     ;
CT08IA0Meimi:  ..........*sob*!!%001:  Are you going to cry now? I wish you'd tell me
what was wrong.%001:  Okay, first, you have to look at the rock, and find
the flat part. That's right.Meimi:  .....%001?%001:  Just do what I tell you. A side throw is not what
you want to accomplish here. Try throwing it slightly
underhanded, like this. Remember to keep your arm straight.Meimi:  ....Alright.%001:  Remember not to put too much power into your throw.
Just enough, that's the secret. Power that you don't need
is useless..........................That's right. Useless....Meimi:  ........%001?%001:  .....Huh?Why are you looking at me like that?       
CT08A0Meimi:  Eh? No, it's nothing. Nevermind!%001:  ???%001:  Okay, why don't you try it?Meimi:  Alright.*SKIP* *SKIP* *SKIP* *SKIP* *SKIP* *SKIP* *SKIP* *SKIP* .....%001:  Wow, that was great!   
CT08K     ;
CT08KA0Meimi:  I did it!%001:  You beat me by two skips. You're the winner.Meimi:  Hahahahaha! I won!Meimi:  Wow.%001:  What?Meimi:  Look how dark it's gotten!%001:  Well, of course. The sun's going down.Meimi:  I'm sorry. I've got to get home.%001:  Oh. Well, take care.Meimi:  ...Thanks. I'll see you later, %001!
<%001:  Sure........Bye.┤┤┤
┤┤%001:  She's not here anymore.She seems really depressed. I wonder what's wrong......She seems a little odd today.I wonder what's bothering her?We started skipping these stones, so I guess I'll never know....................................Now that I think about it, I'm the one who started talking
about skipping stones.Oh well. She seems alright now. It must not have
been important.%001:  Well, I guess I'll head home.
*SKIP* ....%001:  ..........%001:  Three more skips than what Meimi threw...%001:  I'm glad I held back the first time.%001:  ...................%001:  Well, let's go home.=CS501.OVLYes, I guess she doesn't want to be disturbed right now. I leave the river.=CS501.OVL