
Subversion Repositories NedoOS


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 $ks{ГПЩй│&0:$%@S[`  FS[`  Le  LOOKTALKTHINKMAKOTOAKIMIOWORK@Sг@[р@`%FSЧ4╖F[~┌F`5╙?╒=Le╢4
=AE_016%001:  Okay, that takes care of that.Well, we're all up here in Hokkaido, the northernmost
Japanese island.%001:  Hey, Makoto!Makoto:  ....HELP ME!Aki:  Makoto!  You come back here!%001:  ............What the hell?I don't know what's going on, but he's being chased by Aki.I don't know what's going on, but she's running all over
the place.She's busy cooking. No one's helping her.Aki and Makoto should be ashamed of themselves, not
helping like that.%001:  Hey, Makoto, quit playing around.Makoto:  Does it look like I'm playing??%001:  You're certainly not helping out.Makoto:  Ask Aki about that!%001:  Makoto, why is she chasing you around like that?Makoto:  How the hell should I know?%001:  .....................e6t%001:  Hey, Makoto.Makoto:  Sorry, I'm busy right now. Can't you see that?Makoto:  If you're just going to stand there, why don't you
get some firewood or something?%001:  ...........Okay.6Й%001:  Aki, what are you doing?Aki:  Can't you tell?!%001:  ...Well, I'm not stupid.%001:  Hey, Aki!Aki:  I'm busy! Talk to me later.%001:  .......................f6t%001:  Hey, Mio.Mio:  Ah, %001. Hello. Did you get the tents up?%001:  Yes, they're done.Mio:  You must be good at things like that.%001:  Who, me?%001:  What the hell are they doing?Mio:  I'm not sure. She seems to want to kill him.%001:  ....Oh.%001:  They're still fighting. They're supposed to be helping
you make dinner.Mio:  Oh, I don't mind. I like to cook, you know.%001:  Really?Mio:  Hey, %001.... Do you like your curry spicy?%001:  Hmm, yes, pretty spicy.Mio:  Okay, good.%001:  Hey, Mio. Is there anything I can do to help?Mio:  Mm? ......... No, nothing right now.%001:  ...Oh.g6tI'm supposed to be putting up the tents.Makoto and Mio and Aki are going to cook.The others are getting some firewood.I just finished with what I had to do......I'm bored.h6tddefgh
d  9       м╗        ╩┘       шў                        CS503_A.OVLCS503_B.OVLCS503_D.OVLCS503_E.OVLCS503_A.OVLCS503_A.OVLAki:  Are you stupid or something?