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<The hard part of gathering firewood is after you find it.You have to carry it all back to camp.I guess I'll have to go a little bit deeper into the forest.nnn
nnЯ      
CT01A0Reiko:  Oh, it's you, %001.%001:  Reiko.Reiko appears, holding an armfull of firewood.Reiko:  What are you doing here? You were supposed to put
up the tents.%001:  I finished early and was told to go find some
firewood.Reiko:  I see.Reiko:  You can have mine. Want to walk a bit?%001:  Okay.%001:  It doesn't look like there's any good wood around
here.Reiko:  Maybe the others took it all away already.%001:  We have to go deeper into the forest to find
anything worth bringing back.*BOOM*       
CT01I     ;
CT01IA0Reiko:  Huh?Suddenly the wind started to pick up, and the sky grew dark.%001:  Wow, looks like rain.The moment I spoke, my prediction came true:  rain started
splattering down.Reiko:  Oh no! Is there any place to go, to wait for the
rain to stop?%001:  Um...%001:  There's a cave over that way.Reiko:  I don't care, let's go!We ran into the cave.<CS504_A.OVL