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9AM &2  ,2  LOOKTALKSHOKO&2─,2!Р
<The hard part of gathering firewood is after you find it.You have to carry it all back to camp.I guess I'll have to go a little bit deeper into the forest.???:  Huh? %001!%001:  Huh?That voice! Why, it must be...   
CT04KA0Shoko:  I'm so happy to see you, %001!%001:  ......Um, yeah.МММ
ММЯShe's holding some small twigs.I hope she doesn't think that's going to count as firewood.Shoko:  I can't believe we ran into each other like this out
here. It must be destiny!%001:  You're wrong! I was just trying to find some firewood!Shoko:  Oh! You're just being shy with me again.%001:  No, I'm serious!%001:  Nevermind that now. Did you get some firewood?Shoko:  Yep, I got a whole bunch. See?%001:  ....................That's all?*BOOM*Shoko:  What's that?Suddenly the wind picked up, and the sky got darker.%001:  Looks like rain.The moment I spoke, it started:  first in little droplets,
then more.        
CT04A0Shoko:  What'll we do? We're going to get soaked!%001:  Well...%001:  How about that cave over there?Shoko:  Okay, let's hurry!We ran for the cave.<CS504_D.OVL