
Subversion Repositories NedoOS


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<The hard part of gathering firewood is after you find it.You have to carry it all back to camp.I guess I'll have to go a little bit deeper into the
forest.ЦЦЦ
ЦЦ%001:  Is that Ruri? Yes, it is.%001:  Hi, Ruri!    
CT05A0Ruri:  ..........................I chased after Ruri, holding a bundle of firewood in her
arms.Ruri:  ....What?%001:  I was told to go get some firewood, so I came out
here.%001:  The girls back at camp can be pretty rough, the way
they order me around.Ruri:  If you don't want to gather firewood, why are you
here?%001:  Oh, I don't mind, it's just, well, you know.%001:  I finished putting up the tents, so I had nothing
to do anyway.Ruri:  ..........................%001:  Ruri, isn't that heavy? Shall I carry some for
you?Ruri:  .....I'm okay.%001:  ....Oh.%001:  It doesn't look like there's any more firewood
around hereRuri:  ...You're right.%001:  ..................................She never makes it easy.%001:  About the other day at the river...Ruri:  Rain...%001:  Huh?*BOOM*Suddenly the wind picked up, and the sky grew dark.%001:  You're right. We'd better hurry back.The moment I spoke, it started:  first in little droplets,
then more.%001:  Is there anywhere we can wait out the rain?%001:  Hey, what about that cave?Ruri:  ..................................%001:  Come on, let's go!Ruri:  Okay.Pulling Ruri along with me, I ran for the cave.<CS504_E.OVL