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MU_g(.:BG  4:  LOOKTALKKIYOMISKYCAVE.:.Bx╥.G№4:D)ИєУ#╛ЁKiyomi:  We're terribly wet, aren't we?%001:  I'll light a fire.I took the firewood and lit it with my lighter.
;AE_018She's dripping wet. I can see through her P.E. uniform.Kiyomi:  %001, please don't stare at me.%001:  I'm sorry!%001:  It doesn't look like it's going to stop for a while.Kiyomi:  This is terrible...Suddenly, the sky above us was clearing.We're near the entrance, but the cave seems to go on for
quite a ways.Kiyomi:  Do you carry a lighter with you everywhere?%001:  No, Makoto just gave it to me. He said I might need
it.%001:  He also gave me this...I showed her the survival kit that Makoto had given me.Kiyomi:  Incredible.Kiyomi:  What's this metal plate used for?%001:  I'm not sure. You'd have to ask Makoto.Kiyomi:  They must be worried about us back at camp.%001:  The only thing we can do is wait for the rain to
stop.Kiyomi:  I just remembered. There was something I've
wanted to tell you for a long time.%001:  Mm?Kiyomi:  It's about my younger brother, Shinji.%001:  Oh, you mean my saving him. It was nothing.Kiyomi:  ....You remembered after all?%001:  I forgot, but he reminded me when I talked to him.Kiyomi:  You met Shinji?%001:  Yes. I wondered who he was at first.Kiyomi:  Oh! That Shinji...Kiyomi:  After our mother died, Shinji became very shy and
withdrawn, not willing to talk to peole he didn't know well.Kiyomi:  I'm surprised to hear that he spoke to you, since
you'd only met him once.%001:  Hmmm. It must have been difficult for him.%001:  I'm sorry for forgetting about him.%001:  Will you apologize to him for me next time you see him?Kiyomi:  There's no need for that.Kiyomi:  What's wrong?%001:  Oh, I was just thinking about you and Shinji, having
lost your mother and all...Kiyomi:  Oh. Well, we've had to go on.%001:  I have to say, though, to look for me for so long
just so he could thank me. He's quite a kid.Kiyomi:  Shinji isn't the only one.Kiyomi:  I, too, searched and searched for you, just so
I could thank you in person.Kiyomi:  Every since that day a year ago...searching...!%001:  Kiyomi...%001:  The rain's stopped.Kiyomi:  Eh?Kiyomi:  .....*ACHOO*!%001:  If we don't get you into some dry clothes soon,
you'll catch a cold. Let's go!Kiyomi:  %001, I.....I...%001:  *A- ACHOO*Kiyomi:  ...You're right. We've got to get back. Let's hurry.We picked up the firewood and headed back to camp.CS505.OVL