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LV`hА(.:AF  4:  LOOKTALKSHOKOSKYCAVE.:■(.A[┤.F╒4:╞─p=┤K   ╓     Shoko:  Oh, I'm so wet!%001:  Hang on, I'll start a fire.I took the firewood and lit it with my lighter.
=AE_019She's dripping wet. I can see through her P.E. uniform.Shoko:  What's wrong? Why are you staring at me?%001:  Hm? Oh, nevermind.Shoko:  Hmm.%001:  *sideways glance!*Shoko:  Shu-kun, don't be so silly. If you want to look,
just ask. I'll be happy to show you.%001:  No! I wasn't looking!Let's not bother. Playing with fire's not for me.%001:  The rain's not going to stop for a while.Shoko:  ............Good.%001:  What did you say?Shoko:  You know, with it raining like this, no one's
likely to come by and bother us. You know what I mean?%001:  R- really? I wouldn't say that...Shoko:  Don't you feel like touching me, %001?%001:  Haha! You say such funny things, Shoko.......Hey, it's started to clear up. I'm saved!%001:  Look, the rain's stopped. We can go back to camp now.Shoko:  What? That's not fair...%001:  Well, let's get moving. You can catch up with me.
Bye!Shoko:  Hey, wait up!I picked up the firewood and headed back to camp.CS505.OVLWe're near the entrance, but the cave goes on for quite
a ways.%001:  Who would have thought something like this would
happen?Shoko:  Yeah. I feel terrible.%001:  Why don't you come closer to the fire?Shoko:  I think I'll do that.%001:  I wonder how far this cave goes on?Shoko:  I don't know.%001:  You want to check it out?Shoko:  ..........%001:  What's the matter? Are you scared or something?Shoko:  %001, you want to be alone with me in a dark place?%001:  Huh?Shoko:  Okay, let's go!Huh??%001:  Wait, where are you going?Shoko:  Where you just said. Someplace nice and dark.%001:  ..........%001:  You're wrong! No, wait!Shoko:  Don't worry, it's all very natural and everything.Shoko:  After all, we are here all alone.%001:  ..........%001:  Now wait a minute!Shoko:  Don't bother trying to resist.%001:  But I...%001:  Shoko, why are you so hung up on me?Shoko:  That's simple. You're so cute!%001:  .................I am?Shoko:  It's hard to explain. I get all tingly when I think
about you.Shoko:  We were meant to be together. Don't you agree?%001:  ...........Shoko:  Well, now that we're both in agreement, I guess
it's time to make love...!!%001:  Wait a minute! I never agreed to anything!Shoko:  Give up! You can't get away from me again.%001:  I can try!Shoko:  But we're alone and everything...%001:  That's not the problem!