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KS]ey(.:@E  4:  LOOKTALKRURISKYCAVE.:    .@Е■.E4:`╜I▄ф┼\Ruri:  ..............................%001:  Hang on a minute, I'll start a fire for us.I lit the firewood with my lighter.
;AE_020She's dripping wet. I can see through her P.E. uniform.Ruri:  ......................Stop staring, will you?%001:  Sorry!%001:  It'll be coming down for a while.Ruri:  It'll stop in a bit.%001:  What makes you so sure?Ruri:  I just know.The rain is finally letting up.We're near the entrance, but the cave goes on for quite
a ways.%001:  I wonder how far this cave goes on for.Ruri:  .................................%001:  You want to check it out?Ruri:  ....Why don't you go by yourself?%001:  Nevermind.Ruri:  ...................................%001:  I'll bet everyone's worried about us.Ruri:  .....Worried about you, yes.%001:  I said 'us.'Ruri:  No one's going to worry about me.%001:  There's something I've wanted to ask you, Ruri.%001:  Why are you so quiet all the time?Ruri:  .............................%001:  Is it your other classmates? Is it us?%001:  If there's something we do that you don't like, we
can talk about it.Ruri:  .............................%001:  If there's something you don't like about us, just
tell us!Ruri:  .............................%001:  See? You're so quiet all the time! You just sit
there like a dead thing!Ruri:  .............................%001:  ....I'm sorry. I got a little carried away.Ruri:  .............................Ruri:  ...It's not the fault of any of you.%001:  Then why don't you answer when we talk to you?Ruri:  ..........................Ruri:  The rain's stopping.%001:  ....................?Ruri:  It'll stop in one minute.%001:  Even though it's pouring now?%001:  ...Huh?%001:  You were right. The rain stopped.Ruri:  We should get back to camp. We'll catch colds.Ruri left the cave.%001:  Wait for me!How did she know the rain was going to stop like that?Gathering up the firewood, I chased after her.CS505.OVL