
Subversion Repositories NedoOS


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CT14A0%001:  .....Wahh!Makoto:  Hey, don't be so loud! You scared me.He looks sleepy. He was up late last night.I'm pretty sleepy too.The water's moving surprisingly fast in this river.Maybe that's because of the rain yesterday.No fish are biting.Are there even any fish in this river?%001:  Catch anything?Makoto:  Not yet.%001:  Makoto, will you watch my rod for a minute?Makoto:  Why?%001:  I'm going to go see how the others are doing.
Maybe this is a bad spot or something.Makoto:  Okay.CS507_1.OVL.................................This is boring..................................I'm sleepy...................................We're not going to catch anything out here.........................................I'm still bored...............................................I'm still sleepy.....................................I'm still not catching anything.Why can't I catch any fish?Maybe this is a bad location after all..............................I wonder how the others are doing?Guess I'll take a break.