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CT07A0I'm near the waterfall where Seia is.Seia:  Oh, %001.kIt's a river overflowing with fish.....I think.The rain yesterday has filled the river up with water.%001:  I wonder what kind of fish are in this river?%001:  Tuna and baracuda?Seia:  Lord, please teach this silly boy about fish...%001:  I was only kidding.I don't want to get too close to it.The reason for that is...I can't swim.The weather's fine, and the sky is blue.%001:  Are you catching anything?Seia:  %001, does it look like I'm fishing?%001:  We have to catch our dinner tonight, you know.%001:  So, if you weren't fishing, what were you doing
this whole time?%001:  Just staring at the waterfall?Seia:  Yes. I thought I saw the Virgin Mary on the other
side of the water.%001:  .................Seia:  How about you? Did you catch anything?%001:  Makoto is doing his best. Nothing so far, though.Seia:  It's all in the Lord's hands.Seia:  Lord, please give us our daily bread today.I go back to where Makoto is.CS507_1.OVL