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FNV^$(.@  4  :@  LOOKWAITSAVERURI.@╒4  =:@║
<%001:  Everybody! Let's look below the cliff!Makoto:  Below the cliff?%001:  Yes. She might be...Mio:  %001! Look!
:AE_021Everyone gasped.Ruri was sprawled out a little ways below the cliff.%001:  Ruri!! Can you hear us, Ruri?!%001:  ...........It's no use. She seems to be unconscious.Mio:  %001! We have to save her!%001:  I know!: 
CT12DA0Kyoko:  Hold on! It's too dangerous!%001:  Yes, but...!Kyoko:  I'm going to get the other teachers. Don't try 
anything while I'm gone! Do you understand?%001:  Yes, but...!Kyoko:  As the person in charge here, that's an order.%001:  ...Alright.Kyoko:  I'll be right back.
<%001:  ......................Makoto:  Hey, look at that!
:AE_021The rock which was holding up Ruri was apparently
starting to crumble.What do I do?Even though Ruri wasn't moving at all, the earth under
her kept crumbling away.Damn, there's no time!%001:  Should probably wait for the teacher.%001:  ...................................%001:  Shit! She still isn't back?!%001:  ........All right, well, this just won't wait.Makoto:  %001?%001:  I'll be back.Mio:  %001! What about what the teacher said?!%001:  Yeah, well, I know what she said, but it can't be
helped. See you in a few.Mio:  Yes, but!%001:  Hey, don't worry, okay?I gave Mio a light pat on the head and leaped off the cliff.Mio:  %001!!9CS510_14.OVL