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AB_10_2%001:  Yow!.....Ouch!....WhoaI landed on the ledge where Ruri was.
9AE_022%001:  ...Ruri!She must have hit against the rock when she fell. Her
forehead is bleeding.That's bad.Now that I'm here, the rock is starting to crumble even
faster.We've got to get off this ledge!The river is right below.If we fell, we'd both be.....dead.╔6P%001:  Ruri... Ruri!!Ruri:  ....................Uh.....She's still breathing. That's good.%001:  Ruri! Wake up!Ruri:  ......Ooh.......╩6PLooking up, I see that the cliff face is much steeper
than I imagined......I wonder if I can climb it while holding on to Ruri as
well.I guess it's eroding. It seems to have become pretty
unstable.Shit!There must be somewhere where I can get a handhold!......................Damm, it's too dark to see!╦6P%001:  Anyway, we have to get out of here right away...!I held Ruri under my arm, and grabbed the rock face that I
had to climb up.Uh.....*CRUMBLE*%001:  Damn!*CRUMBLE*%001:  Shit!*CRUMBLE*%001:  Crap! The cliff face keeps crumbling in my hands.*CRUMBLE CRUMBLE*%001:  ..................I can't climb up!%001:  I can't do it with one hand!I took off my shirt, fashioned a rope out of it and tied Ruri
to my back.*CRUMBLE*%001:  ...Damn....still isn't working...%001:  This is terrible!*CRUMBLE CRUMBLE*%001:  Dammit... What am I going to do?!╠6PBe calm and think, %001!There has to be something I can do...If I try to jump back up to the top of the cliff.........................................Can't do it! It's eight meters to the top. I'll never make it!Well, in that case, if someone could throw me down a rope............................................It won't work! If Kyoko-sensei isn't back yet, there won't be
enough time for anyone to get one!Shit! Isn't there anything I can do?.....There's got to be a way!!═6P  ╔╩╦╠═
 *CRUMBLE*%001:  ?!Suddenly, my body was sliding downwards.The cliff was finally giving way!%001:  Nooooo!*SPACK*%001:  ...........We're not falling...?When I looked, my left arm was thrust deeply into the wall.Wow, I guess the cliff face was really soft. As we were going 
down, I had punched out, lodging my whole arm into the cliff.Once I knew how to get up the cliff, the rest was easy.<%001:  Up!*CLIMB*%001:  Hup!*CLIMB*Using both of my arms as climbing hooks, I scrambled up
the cliff.      
CT03IA0Mio:  %001!!%001:  ...Yo. I'm back.Mio:  .....Oh, I'm so glad!!%001:  Stop crying. I told you not to worry.

CT14F   <
CT14A0Makoto:  You did it, %001.%001:  ...........%001:  Well, everybody, let's go back. We have to have 
Kyoko-sensei look at Ruri's head.We all headed back.CS511_E.OVL