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8@X &2  ,2  LOOKTALKRURI&2],2┐hеЎ▀      ч
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<%001:  I should probably be okay over here.   
CT12KA0Kyoko:  %001?%001:  Sensei?Kyoko:  What are you doing over here? Drinking again?Kyoko:  Me? Does it look like I'm drinking?%001:  .....Are you?Kyoko:  Well, I didn't want to be with the other teachers.%001:  ..............................Kyoko:  Come over here, %001, and have a glass.%001:  You never change!Kyoko:  Of course. Why should I change?Ruri:  ..................

!CT05F   <
!CT05A0Kyoko:  Oh, Ruri. What's up?Ruri:  Sensei, the dean wants to see you.Kyoko:  Oh.....Well, here, Ruri, drink this.Ruri:  Is this sake...?Kyoko:  Well, if you drink it, I'll leave.%001:  ........What does that have to do with it?Ruri:  ............*GULP*Kyoko:  Oh, you're such a good girl! Well, see you in
a bit. You can drink that sake over there if you like.%001:  Wait, Sensei!     
!CT05A0%001:  She's gone.Ruri:  ...............As usual, she's totally emotionless. Her face hasn't even
gone red.That stuff is pretty strong.%001:  ........What should we do?Ruri:  .............I'll wait for Sensei to come back.%001:  .........I guess I'll wait too then.Ruri:  ...............I see.%001:  .......So, Ruri.        
CT05A0 Huh?Ruri:  ............I don't know how she moved so fast, but there was Ruri, over
at the heap of sake bottles, helping herself to some sake.%001:  Do you like sake?Ruri:  ................*GULP*Instead of answering me, she held out the empty cup.Ruri:  .....Do you want some, too?%001:  ...............Huh?Ruri:  If you don't, it's alright.%001:  N- No! That's not it!Ruri:  .....Oh.She filled my cup with sake and handed it to me.%001:  .....Thanks.Ruri:  ..............................%001:  .....Um, it's good, isn't it?Ruri:  ...Really?%001:  Uh, yeah.....Ruri:  ................................%001:  ...Well, Sensei sure has been gone a long time. I
wonder what the dean wanted to see her about?Ruri:  ......I don't know.%001:  .................................Ruri:  ................................%001:  ................................Ruri:  ................................We always get like this....Ruri:  ...........%001.%001:  Y- Yes?Ruri:  %001, what kind of person are you?%001:  ..........................Huh?%001:  .........What kind of person am I?Ruri:  ................................%001:  .......Hmm, that's not easy to answer.%001:  Well, I guess all I can say is 'What you see is what 
you get'. Hahaha, it's not a very creative answer, is it?Ruri:  No.%001:  Well, what do you think of me, then?Ruri:  Huh?%001:  Well, it's kind of hard to know that sort of thing 
about yourself, I guess.Ruri:  ....................I think you're nice.%001:  You do?Ruri:  ........I think that you never would want to hurt
anyone.%001:  .........................%001:  Um, okay...Ruri:  .......How about me?%001:  ......Hm?Ruri:  What do you think of me, %001?%001:  What do I think of you?Ruri:  ...........Yes.%001:  Hmm...%001:  To tell you the truth, I don't really know.Ruri:  ............................%001:  Well, I don't know now, but I want to...Ruri:  ................................%001:  Ruri, I...

!CT12K   <
!CT12KA0Kyoko:  Oh, I hate that man!%001:  What's wrong?Ruri:  ......Oh, Sensei.Kyoko:  The dean ordered all the teachers to dance with 
the students.%001:  So, you came here to escape?Kyoko:  Of course!Ruri:  .............Well, Sensei's back.%001:  Ruri?Ruri:  Sayonara.    
!CT12KA0%001:  Wait!...She's gone.Kyoko:  ....Whoops! Did I interrupt anything between you two?%001:  No, of course not.Kyoko:  Well, then... As an apology, drink with me and tell
me all about it!So until I had drunk all the sake in my cup, I was stuck with