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8....It was near the end of July.The final tests for our last subjects were being given back...
and the seaside camp was on all of our minds.
defghijklmBoy, he sure is laughing pretty smugly.When he got his math test he acted worried, and dropped it
on the floor on purpose.The guy who picked it up said, 'Makoto! You got an A!' and
the whole class went nuts.Of course, I was surprised too.In the end, it seemed that all he had to boast about was
his math.To my left is Kiyomi, and Makoto is on my right. Behind
me is Meimi, and to her left is Seia.Ruri is still in the same seat as when she transferred
in, in the last row by the window.     
!CT14KA0Makoto:  So how did your finals go, %001?%001:  Don't ask.

CT08S   <
CT08A0Meimi:  How about you, Makoto?Makoto:  Well, could have been better, I guess. 
CT02KA0Kiyomi:  But you got an A on your math test, didn't you?Makoto:  Oh, how did you know? Ha, hahaha.%001:  I think everybody knows that by now.       
CT07A0Seia:  On the other hand, you got a D in Modern Japanese,
and an F in English, didn't you Makoto?Makoto:  Hahaha...        
!CT14I   ;
!CT14IA0Makoto:  How do you know that, Seia? I was careful not to let
anyone see!       
CT07K   ;
CT07KA0Seia:  That's because I'm class chairman.

!CT14S   <
!CT14A0Makoto:  So, how did you do, Seia?Seia:  By the grace of God...    
CT08A0Meimi:  Seia got straight A's!%001:  That's great. 
CT02KA0Kiyomi:  That's to be expected. I was off in my studies this
month.Kiyomi:  But Seia, the biology unit on evolution was a
problem, wasn't it? Doesn't Darwinism go against the
Christian teachings?    
CT07KA0Seia:  Well, the Bible says, 'Give to Caeser what is
Caeser's, and give to God what is God's.'Kiyomi:  ...Oh.Makoto:  Well, it looks like Seia's moved to the top of
the class.Seia:  Everything is God's will......%001:  So if I believe in God too, my grades will go up?Seia:  I don't know about that....Makoto:  Well, I guess the fight for the lowest grade is on
%001 and Meimi.       
CT08A0Meimi:  I don't care about grades, I'm going to be a circus
star like my Mom!Meimi:  It doesn't matter even if we get negative points,
right, %001?%001:  That's right. We'll make something of our lives
!CT01KA0Reiko:  %001!
Mio:  %001!Reiko and Mio came in the room.Reiko:  What are you talking about? Seaside school?%001:  No...we were talking about the tests...Meimi:  Well, let's stop talking about tests and talk
about the sea.%001:  ...I think I'll be absent seaside camp. I always
seem to get a cold that time of the summer.Reiko:  You mean you don't want to go because you can't
swim....Ouch, that hurt!Meimi:  What's this about %001 not being able to swim?Makoto:  Well, everybody has one or two weak points.Reiko:  It's alright, %001. I'll teach you how to swim
this year.%001:  .....Really?Reiko:  Leave it to me!.....................................2
=T_06CS602.OVLI don't study at all anyway, so my grades really suck.It's almost summer vacation, but it seems that the whole
school, as well as some faculty members, go on a seaside
camp for the first week of August every year....It's odd that all the students in the school are
going...We all went camping in the woods, and I guess we're all
going to go to the seaside.It sucks for me, since I can't swim.