
Subversion Repositories NedoOS


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=.......Before I even knew it, it was the first day of
seaside camp.%001:  Wow...the sky is so blue...%001:  Ahhhh...  
CT01A0Reiko:  What's up, you sound bored.%001:  Umm...Reiko:  Don't worry. I'll teach you to swim in no time.It's the same swimsuit she always uses for swimming
competitions, but it looks better on her out here.Reiko sure is being friendly.She says she's going to teach me to swim.I want to escape.Blue sky, white clouds, and a calm sea.It certainly is a change from the city.Reiko:  Okay, let's go!Reiko took my hand and started pulling me towards the ocean.%001:  R- Reiko! I have to do some warm-up exercises first,
don't I?Reiko:  Trust me, you'll be fine.%001:  B- But my heart isn't ready yet...Reiko:  Are you really that worried?Reiko:  A candidate for the next Olympics is teaching you,
so just pretend you're going on a big boat.%001:  Actually, I don't think I'm ready for this...     
CT01I   ;
CT01IA0Reiko:  %001, don't you trust me?%001:  ................%001:  Alright, let's go.        
CT01K   ;
CT01KA0Reiko:  All right!<CS603.OVL