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(CT02KA0After rowing for about twenty minutes, we arrived at the
island.Kiyomi:  %001, hurry, hurry!%001:  Hold on...I tied the boat up to a rock nearby.%001:  That should do it.Kiyomi:  %001, please come over here!%001:  What's there?Kiyomi:  Here, look. There are all kinds of creatures here.Kiyomi, always so reserved, seems to be in really high
spirits today.She must really like the ocean.On the rocks along the shore, there were all these brightly
colored, slimy-looking slug things.%001:  Ugh, gross...Kiyomi:  Those are salt worms. They're interesting to look
at if you poke at them.%001:  They're gross!%001:  Those weird bugs running around over there, are
they related to cockroaches?Kiyomi:  Salt worms aren't insects. They're related to
taenia echinococcus.%001:  .............I see.%001:  Oh, there goes a crab.Kiyomi:  Look at this, %001.%001:  ...Whoa...the tummy part looks strange. Those bumps
protruding from the shell, are they eggs?Kiyomi:  That's a barnacle, a type of shellfish parasite
that attaches itself to a crab.%001:  Ugh...Kiyomi:  But there are also crabs who are parasites on
shellfish, so I guess it's fair.%001:  I've often thought that.%001:  What's this strange soft thing?Kiyomi:  That's a 'sazae.' You know, like the famous anime show we watched when we were kids.%001:  There's probably something over here too...        
(CT02DA0Kiyomi:  %001!%001:  Yes?Kiyomi:  Be very careful walking over the rocky places
without shoes on.%001:  Why?Kiyomi:  Supposedly, there was a person playing on the
rocks one day. He fell down and hurt his knees.Kiyomi:  After returning home, he noticed that his knees
really hurt when he walked.Kiyomi:  It hurt more and more each day, and when he
couldn't walk anymore, he finally called the ambulance.Kiyomi:  They operated on him right away, and what the
surgeon saw was...%001:  *GULP*Kiyomi:  Behind his kneecap, it was crawling with salt worms!%001:  Oh, how gross!Kiyomi:  So, when you're walking barefoot on the rocks,
and you cut your foot on a shell.....%001:  Ugh! Don't tell me any more! 
(CT02VA0Kiyomi:  There'll be thousands of them, gnawing on your
bones, sucking your blood, and...!!%001:  Yeeeeeeeagh!!! 
(CT02KA0Kiyomi:  So, be careful when you're walking on the rocks,
okay?%001:  Okay, I will....%001:  You sure know a lot about this stuff, Kiyomi.Kiyomi:  Really? We learned all that in elementary school
science class. Didn't you?%001:  Hmmm, I don't remember.Kiyomi:  The ocean is the origin of life, a treasure
chest of living things.Kiyomi:  %001?%001:  Hm?*SPLASH*Suddenly my face was all wet. I could taste salt water
in my mouth.%001:  Hey, what was that for?
<AE_025Kiyomi:  Hohoho... Catch me if you can!Kiyomi sure is being unusually jolly.%001:  All right, I'll get you!Kiyomi:  Hohoho....If I really ran, I could have caught her in a second, but I
played along. Of course, Kiyomi wasn't really trying
to escape anyway.Splashing each other, we ran around by the water.        
CT02A0Kiyomi:  *pant*....*pant*....Kiyomi stopped running. Maybe she was tired.%001:  Gotcha!I gently touched her shoulder.%001:  Kiyomi......you're really cheerful today...Kiyomi:  You think so...?%001:  Yeah. You're usually much more, well, serious.Kiyomi:  Well, sometimes I want to run around a lot, too.%001:  Oh. Well, you really seem to like the ocean a lot.Kiyomi:  I guess so.%001:  When I was little...Kiyomi:  Yes....%001:  I went to the ocean with my family once.%001:  The season for swimming was already past. We stopped
there on the way back from somewhere.%001:  We were on the beach, just like this, making a
sand castle, and then.....:*CRASH*%001:  ?!*GURGLE*.....Kiyomi:  %001!*GULP*%001:  Help! I'm drowning!Kiyomi:  %001, calm down.      
CT02A0%001:  ....Eh?When I calmed down, I was thrashing around on the sand.Because Kiyomi had grabbed my leg, I didn't get swept away
by the wave.Kiyomi:  A wave came up at you when you were young?%001:  Yes. But that time, there was no one holding my
leg, and I was whisked out into the ocean...%001:  That's probably when I got scared of swimming.
But not even I really know why.Kiyomi:  Well, if I had been there, I certainly would
have saved you like I did just now.Kiyomi:  It's so quiet here.%001:  There's no one here but us.Kiyomi:  Yes.%001:  .....Shall we go back?Kiyomi:  Can we stay just a little longer?%001:  Aren't you bored being here with just me?     
CT02IA0Kiyomi:  Are you bored, %001?%001:  No, no...but it would have been better if everyone
had come.Kiyomi:  .......................Kiyomi:  Well, let's go back then.Kiyomi got up abruptly, and stomped off ahead of me.I had to hurry to catch up.:     
(CT02A0Kiyomi:  %001, where's the boat?%001:  Huh? I tied it to that rock over there...%001:  It's not there...Even I could tell that the blood was rising to my face.%001:  Where did it go?I went running around, but saw no sign of the boat.%001:  W- What'll we do?Kiyomi:  Looks like we're in trouble.%001:  Kiyomi, you can swim, right?Kiyomi:  Yes, I can probably make it that far...%001:  Please! Won't you go and get some help?Kiyomi:  But I won't go if I have to leave you here alone.Kiyomi:  Let's just wait here. Someone is sure to come by.%001:  I guess someone will see us here...ЯЯ3ЯCS608_F.OVLCS608_E.OVL