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7EQ &2  ,2  LOOKTALKAKI,2V∙iС&2▒╙Ё
CT06KA0Aki:  %001!%001:  Eh....?Aki:  This is your boat, isn't it, %001?Aki was holding the our boat's rope in her hand.Aki:  It was swept away by a wave, and I picked it up
for you.%001:  Thanks!%001:  What are you doing here, anyway?Aki:  M- Me?Kiyomi:  That's right, didn't you say that you had
something to do a little while ago?Aki:  Um...
That's right! For extra credit, I'm doing a behavioral
study on crawfish, yeah...Kiyomi:  Crawfish are found in streams, swamps, and rice
fields. They don't live in the ocean.Aki:  .........Kyoko:  Aki!        
(CT12A0Kyoko-sensei came up, pulling their own boat.Aki:  Ack!Kyoko:  Oh, you two are here, too?Kiyomi:  Kyoko-sensei, you're here?Kyoko:  Yes, Aki asked me to come along.Aki:  No, Sensei! Stop!Aki put her hand over Kyoko-sensei's mouth.Kiyomi:  You're hiding something.Aki:  N- No, I'm not.Kiyomi:  Admit it! You can't swim, can you?     
(CT12A0Aki:  W- What are you talking about? What does this
have to do with me not being able to swim?Kiyomi:  Well, what did you ask Kyoko-sensei to come 
here, for?Aki:  Oh, well....Aki:  Fine, okay? So I can't swim!Kiyomi:  I didn't say it was a bad thing. %001 can't
swim either.%001:  Oh yeah, you and I, Aki, we both can't swim.Aki:  I'm not as bad as you. I could swim about 5 meters
if I had to.%001:  Oh, I see.Kyoko:  Right, so...she made me be her coach.%001:  So that's what you were talking about before.Aki:  Yes. I absolutely have to learn how to swim today.Kiyomi:  It has to be today, did it?Aki:  It's a bet! Mio and I are going to see who can
learn to swim first!Aki:  I won't lose to Mio!Aki:  Okay, Sensei, let's get back to training!Kyoko:  Whatever you say.%001:  Well, let's go back so we don't interfere with
the training.Kiyomi:  I suppose so.%001:  What's up? You alright?Kiyomi:  It's nothing. I'm just a bit tired.%001:  Oh.<We returned to the beach.CS609.OVLWhat a relief that Aki saved us.What was she talking about?So....Aki can't swim at all either.....I feel a sort of kinship there.