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DLbj$*.?  4?  :  LOOKTALKDIGMIO.?╪4?М├Iч╜:  
CT03A0We came to the flat area by the mouth of the river.dLooks like we could find lots of pretty shells here.%001:  Can we find some abalone and conch?Mio:  I don't think they burrow in the sand...%001:  Really? That's too bad.%001:  What about oysters and scallops?Mio:  We won't find them unless we wade in the water.%001:  ....Damn.Mio:  %001, what do you call this shell?%001:  Hmm, Kiyomi would probably know.Mio:  Kiyomi?%001:  When we went to the island yesterday, she taught
me a lot of about the ocean.Mio:  Oh.%001:  I haven't seen Kiyomi today. Have you, Mio?Mio:  I don't know.Mio:  Oh! %001, look, a cherry shell.%001:  Can you eat it?Mio:  It's just the shell, so you can't eat it.%001:  Wow...it's pretty, isn't it. It looks the same
color as your fingernails.Mio:  Oh.      
CT03R   ;
CT03RA0I noticed that Mio had turned as red as a beet.She must be sunburned.Mio:  That's odd. There's a bottle here.%001:  People shouldn't throw garbage in the ocean.Mio:  Yes, but there's a letter in it.%001:  Really? Let me see it.Mio:  Hmm, is this Russian maybe? It looks like someone
drew a map of an island...%001:  I don't know, it's pretty strange...Mio:  Maybe we should pretend we never found it...?%001:  Good idea.I ripped up the letter and buried it in the sand.Mio:  %001, should I cook the shellfish later?%001:  Oh, good idea.I learned this really good miso soup recipe from Shinji
recently.%001:  Sounds wonderful. But, shouldn't we get enough
for the others too?Mio:  %001! Look, an ammonite!%001:  What? Where? What's that?╔6
2eI started digging in the sand with both hands.*DIG* *DIG*  3 x  3 Ы  3 ╕  3 р%001:  I'm not finding anything.%001:  Oh, I found a clam!%001:  Oh, I found a goose-neck clam!%001:  Oh, I found a 'sazae'!╩6
%001:  Well, it looks like we've really dug up this place.
We should probably move to another spot.Mio:  First we have to fill the holes in again, though.%001:  Yeah, I guess so.We kept looking for clams until evening came.CS612.OVL