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CT02A0%001:  Kiyomi, what are you doing out here?Kiyomi:  Wah! %001?%001:  Yeah.Kiyomi:  Oh...you scared me.%001:  Sorry. What are you up to?Kiyomi:  I was taking a walk. Would you like to come with
me?%001:  Sure.|xxxxxShe's looking at me.She seems kind of quiet tonight....She's looking at the moon in a sort of moody way....Something must be up.Maybe it's because I can't swim, but it sure looks creepy
to me.I have a vision of falling into it and never being able
to get out again.But in my case it's not necessarily just a vision....Maybe it's because I can't swim, but it sure looks
creepy to me.It's a beautiful full moon....It looks really strange, like it's floating on the
ocean.Kiyomi:  The moon really is beautiful, isn't it...%001:  Um...what?Kiyomi:  Hm? Is something the matter?%001:  No, I just thought you would say something about
the ocean being beautiful or mysterious, since we're
here on the beach at night...Kiyomi:  But you hate the ocean, don't you %001?%001:  ...Well, yes.Kiyomi:  So, I thought it better not to say something
like that.%001:  So, I guess I'm spoiling your mood.Kiyomi:  Oh, no. I prefer a bright ocean with the sun
sparkling on it anyway.%001:  Thanks.%001:  I didn't see you at all today, where were you?Kiyomi:  I guess I was tired. I pretty much slept in all
day.Kiyomi:  After coming all this way to the ocean, I shouldn't
have wasted the day like that.Kiyomi:  What did you do today, %001?%001:  Today I went looking for clams with Mio.     
CT02I   ;
CT02IA0Kiyomi:  .........................%001:  What's wrong?Kiyomi:  %001...%001:  ...Yes?Kiyomi:  ...How do you feel about Mio?%001:  How do I feel about her?     
CT02R   ;
CT02RA0Kiyomi:  I...I shouldn't have asked...%001:  She's like a little sister to me, I guess.        
CT02A0Kiyomi:  ...A little sister?%001:  Yeah. You know, I'm an only child, so I missed
out on having sisters and brothers.%001:  So, I'm happy that she seeks me out. It's like I've
found a little sister.Kiyomi:  Really. And what do you think of Reiko?%001:  Reiko? Well, she's like an older sister, I guess.Kiyomi:  An older sister...%001:  Yeah. She takes care of me... you know, I always
think that it would be great to have an older sister
like Reiko.Kiyomi:  ................................%001:  I'm really glad I came to this school. Makoto,
Reiko, you, Mio, Meimi, Seia, Ruri and Kyoko-sensei...I'm glad to have met all of you.Kiyomi:  ...............%001:  Guess I was just lucky to pick this school.Kiyomi:  ................%001:  ...Kiyomi? Is there anything wrong?Kiyomi:  No! Nothing, nothing at all.%001:  Really?Kiyomi:  %001?%001:  What?Kiyomi:  Shall we walk a little further?%001:  Sure, why not?Suddenly, Kiyomi took my arm.%001:  Um, Kiyomi?    
CT02K   ;
CT02KA0Kiyomi:  You don't mind, do you?%001:  Er, well...%001:  Okay.We both stopped and gazed at the ocean.Summer will be over soon.All kinds of memories welled up in my mind and floated away.
No doubt Kiyomi was feeling something similar.Maybe we were thinking the same thing...   
CT02D   ;
CT02DA0Kiyomi:  ...Something's swimming out there!%001:  What?!
<*SQUELCH*Kiyomi:  What is that?%001:  Huh?!Something was coming towards us from the pitch-black
ocean.Kiyomi:  M- Maybe it's a sea turtle...%001:  ...Or one of those salt worm things.SQUELCH!Kiyomi:  Kyaa!%001:  Yeeeeagh!      
CT13A0Dean:  ...Finally...got back...Kiyomi:  Eh?!%001:  The Dean?!What appeared out of the dark sea was none other than
the dean.Dean:  Oh, it's you, %001.%001:  W- What are you doing out here?!Dean:  You know, I don't really know.%001:  Huh?Dean:  I passed out...Dean:  And then when I woke up and looked around, I
was on this island that I've never seen.%001:  Wow, that's really too bad...Whew... knowing the truth sure is tough...Dean:  I don't think I'll be drinking with Kyoko-
sensei anymore...%001:  Yes, that's definitely a good idea!Dean:  Hm? What do you mean?%001:  Eh? Oh, ah...Oh no...looks like I let the cat slip out of the bag...Dean:  ...I see.Has the dean figured out Kyoko-sensei's plot?!I am such an idiot! I mean, it doesn't matter if the dean
gets mad at Kyoko-sensei, but I'm sure I'll be the one
who will really have to pay!Dean:  %001, you're in 1-A, right?%001:  Y- Yes.Dean:  So I'm sure you're very familiar with how scary
Kyoko-sensei can be.%001:  Huh?Dean:  It's okay, you don't need to hide it.Dean:  It's all right, I'm sure you have suffered
at her hands too. %001, why don't you join the 'Action
Hero Club'? I'm in charge of the club, you know.%001:  Huh? But I...Dean:  You don't have to answer right away. It's
getting late. I guess I'll head on back.%001:  Okay.Kiyomi:  ..........................Dean:  Well, %001, Kiyomi, take care! %001, I'll be 
expecting your answer! Hahahahaha!......................................Well, uh...And so seaside camp ended, with this truly bizarre
encounter, forever imprinted on my mind.=CS701.OVLShe was much more cheerful than usual yesterday.I guess she really likes the ocean.She says she slept until evening. So that's why I didn't
see her all day.Probably wore herself out being so cheerful yesterday.
She must like the ocean a whole lot.