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AB_17_3%001:  Hi, what are you doing out here?Mio:  Wahh!?!   
CT03A0Mio:  ...%001?%001:  Yup.Mio:  You really scared me!%001:  Hahaha, sorry.%001:  So, what are you up to?Mio:  Huh? Just walking.%001:  Oh. Can I come with you?Mio:  Sure!ЖВВВВВShe looks up at me.She seems quiet, for some reason.She's looking at the moon.It's kind of scary.It seems like a big wave could come up and kill me, even
from here.The whole ocean appears to me as some great creature
that wants to devour me...But that's probably just because I can't swim.What a beautiful moon.To me, it's at least a thousand times more beautiful
than the ocean.Mio:  What are you doing, %001?%001:  Huh? Me?%001:  Oh, nothing much.Mio:  The ocean at night is really amazing, isn't it?%001:  I just think it's scary.Mio:  Is that because you can't swim?%001:  Yes, it is. Alright?Mio:  Oh...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad
about not being able to swim.        
CT03I   ;
CT03IA0Mio:  %001?%001:  Hm? What?Mio:  I'm Sorry.%001:  Why? Oh, what you just said? Oh, that doesn't matter.Mio:  No...%001:  ......................??Mio:  I'm sorry about what I said to you this afternoon...%001:  Oh.%001:  Not at all, Mio, you didn't say even one bad thing.

CT03F   <
CT03A0Mio:  Really? .....Thanks, %001.%001:  I like it best when you smile.   
CT03R   ;
CT03RA0Mio:  Huh?  *blush*Mio:  .................%001:  What's up? You're quiet all of the sudden.

CT03F   <
CT03A0Mio:  ....Can I ask you something?%001:  Huh? Sure, go ahead.Mio:  Well, one day, this girl who's really good at
tennis transferred to out school.%001:  Yes.Mio:  This girl challenged me to a game. 'Let's see who's
number one around here,' she said.(...Is this about Aki?)Mio:  I didn't lose. We've played a lot of matches since
then, but I never lose.Mio:  This girl hates to lose so much, that it makes her
cry.%001:  ......................Mio:  Do you think I should let her win?Mio:  I'm afraid that if she knows I let her win, she'll
be hurt.%001:  ...............................Mio:  I just can't stand her envy and anger anymore! What
should I do?%001:  This girl, does she do mean things to you?Mio:  ...Yes.%001:  If that's the case, Mio, then you have to be an
up-front and honest rival to her.Mio:  !!%001:  Any person who is trying to get in your way, no
matter the difference in strength, is a rival.%001:  So if you want to respect your rival, Mio, then
you need to give it the best you've got.Mio:  %001...%001:  That's the proper way to show courtesy, don't you
think?Mio:  Yes. Yes, you're right.%001:  You're a nice girl, Mio, but niceness has its time
and place.Mio:  Yes.%001:  Showing your best to your rival isn't bragging or
anything. I think that hurt someone more by being
condescending to them.Mio:  Thanks.%001:  So then, if you meet and play an honest game with
each other, then it could well be that you end up being
friends.Mio:  %001...%001:  I don't really have the right to say this, but
wouldn't that be a good thing?Mio:  Yes!%001:  Well, even though I said all that, I probably
still haven't convinced you, have I?Mio:  %001...%001:  Well, what? Do I have something stuck to my face?Mio:  No, no! Thanks, %001!%001:  No problem. So I didn't help you at all, did I?Mio:  Of course you did!Mio:  Hey, %001, let's walk a little further and then go
back?%001:  Yeah, sure.We walked around the dark beach.The moonlight seemed strangely bright and almost warm.I'm not sure, but it could have been because Mio was walking
by my side.<.............................So, the summer ended...There were all kinds of memories.................................*SQUELCH*???:  .......*SQUELCH*???:  ......Splash...      
CT13A0Dean:  ......................Dean:  ...Finally...got back...Dean:  I passed out...Dean:  And then when I woke up and looked around, I
was on this island...Dean:  I don't think I'll be drinking with Kobayashi-
sensei anymore...=CS701.OVLShe's a little different from this afternoon...She seems a little older.Must be the moonlight.She's always cheerful, always seemed to be pretty
carefree...But I guess she does have one or two worries.I'm sorry, Mio.