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CT08A0%001:  ...Yo, whatcha doin'?Meimi:  Wah! .....%001?%001:  Yeah.Meimi:  Hey, don't do that.%001:  Sorry.╕┤┤┤┤┤It's strange for her to be so quiet.I sneak a glimpse of Meimi. She was looking at the moon,
too.The faint moonlight fell upon Meimi. She seemed somehow
very different from the high-energy girl she always is
during the day......Somehow mysterious.Hmmm.I just don't understand why the night ocean is supposed
to be mysterious.It only has a scary image for me.Although I don't have a specific reason to be scared
of it at night.If something is beautiful, then it's the moon, by far.But it isn't because I can't swim.But even if I told Meimi, she wouldn't believe me...%001:  What are you doing here by yourself?Meimi:  ...Me?Meimi:  What about you?%001:  ............................%001:  Just walking on the beach, I guess.%001:  It's nice out here, isn't it?Meimi:  Yes, I guess.Meimi:  .............Meimi:  %001?%001:  Hm?Meimi:  D'you want to take a walk?%001:  Sure, why not?Meimi:  The ocean at night is really mysterious, isn't it?%001:  To tell the truth, I'm scared of it.Meimi:  That's probably because you can't swim, %001.%001:  ...I guess I'm just the non-swimmer...*sob*...Meimi:  There there, don't cry.%001:  You're making fun of me.Meimi:  Ha, ha. Maybe a little%001:  Doh!%001:  By the way, do you know if Seia learned to swim?
Reiko was going to teach her.Meimi:  I don't know.%001:  Really? I thought you would know.      
CT08D   ;
CT08DA0Meimi:  I don't, okay?%001:  What are you mad about?Meimi:  .............%001:  ...Did anything happen? What's the deal with you
lately?%001:  You were like that earlier today at the river when
we were skipping stones...Meimi:  ......!%001:  Is it something I've done?%001:  I really don't know what it would be. But if you
tell what it is, I'll make sure I never do it again.Meimi:  ..............%001:  Meimi, are you listening?Meimi:  ...........
2*THUMP*.....Meimi tripped in the sand, face down.%001:  Meimi?    
CT08IA0Meimi:  .....Oh, I'm all dirty now.%001:  Are you all right?I gave Meimi my hand and pulled her up.%001:  Doesn't seem like there was anything here to trip 
over.%001:  ...Look, you've got sand all over you.I brushed the sand off her clothes and her hair....Weird, I feel like her mother or something.

CT08F   <
CT08A0Meimi:  Thanks, %001.%001:  No sweat.%001:  Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?Meimi:  No, I'm fine. Thanks.%001:  Good.Meimi:  .........Meimi:  Hey %001. So what kind of person is Ruri?     %001:  Huh?Meimi:  Oh, that's not what I mean! I...
I thought I'd like to become her friend, that's all.%001:  Oh, you did, huh?
Meimi:  Um, so, %001. What do you want to be?%001:  When I...grow up...?Meimi:  Yeah, your dreams... My dream is to be what my Mom
was.%001:  She was a circus star, right?Meimi:  Yes! She's was a trapeze artist!Meimi:  I still remember it so clearly, my Mom in the
spotlight, with everybody applauding.Meimi:  She would fly through the air, above everyone in
the tent.Meimi:  She was beautiful.  I thought she was an angel.Meimi:  When Mom was at home, everyone always said that
she was pretty, but... I always thought she was the most
beautiful when she was performing.Meimi:  ...I want to be just like that, even though I'll
probably have a short life. She wasn't well-known, but
I always want to follow her...Meimi:  You could say that I feel very strongly in my
heart that I'm her child.%001:  .....................(So, I guess there is someone that Meimi can respect.)%001:  I'm sure you can do it, Meimi.%001:  If you know what you want, I'm sure you have the
guts to reach it, Meimi. It'll be fine. I guarantee it.   
CT08K   ;
CT08KA0Meimi:  Ah, Thanks, %001.

CT08F   <
CT08A0Meimi:  So tell me your dream now, %001.%001:  My dream...?%001:  ..............%001:  You know, don't really have one.
Meimi:  You don't have one? Why?Meimi:  But you can do anything, %001.%001:  ...Yeah, well I guess that's the reason.Meimi:  ...Eh?%001:  It does seem like I can do anything.%001:  ...But I think that's the reason why I don't have 
any goals.%001:  I can learn most things in just a day. So when I've
learned, nobody beats me.%001:  You know that mountain climber who said he climbed a
mountain 'because it was there'?%001:  But it's not really a challenge to climb a mountain in
one step, is it?  
CT08I   ;
CT08IA0Meimi:  I guess.%001:  There's no point in doing something that's so easy
to reach.Meimi:  But %001!%001:  Hm?Meimi:  ................%001:  ...............%001:  Oh, well.%001:  Well, that's how I feel right now, but I'm sure I'll
find something. I'll just be patient, and I have to
decide by the time I graduate anyway.Meimi:  ...............%001:  Don't look at me like that. I'm fine, okay?Meimi:  ....Okay....%001:  ..............Meimi:  ..............Now I feel all embarrassed.%001:  Well, what is it?Meimi:  Uh, um...%001:  .............Meimi:  ..............%001:  What? What do you want to say?Meimi:  Uh...

CT08F   <
CT08A0Meimi:  I have an idea! Um, %001. Why don't you try being a 
lown?%001:  Huh?Meimi:  A clown...a circus clown.%001:  Oh, right.Meimi:  That's what my Dad does, he says it's really
difficult to be a good clown.Meimi:  They have to do dangerous stuff on purpose. The
most difficult thing to do is to make the people laugh.%001:  Making people laugh....is difficult?Meimi:  Yes. People nowadays, they've all gotten really
passive, right? From television and things like that.Meimi:  So,  he says that if you don't pull some really 
outrageous stunts, it won't work.%001:  That's probably true.Meimi:  So, even if you make a mistake, your show still
really has to be flashy.Meimi:  On top of all this, you have to try not to injure 
yourself. It's hard.%001:  Wow, sure sounds that way.Meimi:  What's hard is not only the way you carry yourself.Meimi:  You also have to make up a story, and then you have
to make mistakes on purpose, but you can't let the audience
know that, because it would ruin the show.%001:  Right.Meimi:  So not just anybody can be a clown, you know.Meimi:  Even in the circus, the clown is one of the most
respected performers there.%001:  I didn't know that.%001:  So Meimi, you really like the circus, don't you?Meimi:  Huh?%001:  When you talk about the circus, your eyes light up. Meimi:  Really?%001:  Yeah.Meimi:  .............   
CT08I   ;
CT08IA0Meimi:  ....I...suppose so.%001:  ???%001:  Are you all right? What's wrong?Meimi:  ...Uh...No, I'm fine.%001:  Really? You look as though you're going to cry.       
CT08K   ;
CT08KA0Meimi:  It's nothing. Really, I'm fine.%001:  Are you sure...?Meimi:  Don't worry. Actually, want to walk some more?
And talk some more...?%001:  ....Sure, I don't mind.Meimi:  Thanks, %001.Suddenly, Meimi took my arm.%001:  Meimi?Meimi:  What's wrong with it, just for a while..... Okay?%001:  .......%001:  Okay, whatever.We walked together around the dark beach.The light of the moon seemed strangely bright and warm.Of course, that could have been because Meimi was there,
walking at my side.<.................And so, summer ended...There were all kinds of memories....................
<*SQUELCH*???:  .................*SQUELCH*???:  .................*SPLASH*  
CT13A0Dean:  .................Dean:  ...Finally...got back...Dean:  I passed out, got drunker than I've been in 
years...Dean:  And then when I woke up and looked around, I
was on this island that I've never seen...Dean:  I don't think I'll be drinking with Kyoko-
sensei anymore...=CS701.OVL%001:  Well, she's the transfer student.%001:  Makoto says that she's been transferred all over
the place because of her family. That's what they say.Meimi:  ...I've heard that, too.%001:  Oh.%001:  To tell the truth, we don't know what her hobbies and 
interests are because she won't talk to us.Meimi:  Yeah. She doesn't talk at all.%001:  Let's see, what else?%001:  .............Meimi:  ................%001:  Eh?%001:  Hmm, what else can I say about her?Meimi:  ...............%001:  Hmmm...Meimi:  Uh, thanks, %001. That's okay.%001:  Sorry I can't help you more.She asked me about my dream.Can't say that I've thought about it much...I'm sure there must have been something in elementary
school.But there isn't now.I gave my best but it wasn't any use.Dammit, I'm flailing here. And just when Meimi was
getting more cheerful.%001:  Well it's pretty late, so I'm going to bed.%001:  You know, it's time you went back yourself. 
Goodnight.Meimi:  W- Wait!%001:  Do you have something you want to tell me?Meimi:  Um, yes.