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AB_36_4<Kiyomi:  %001?%001:  ..................Kiyomi:  ........%001?%001:  ..................Kiyomi:  %001!%001:  ..................Kiyomi:  %001!  
CT02IA0%001:  ..................%001:  Wahh! You scared me!Kiyomi:  Are you okay?%001:  What do you mean?Kiyomi:  The teacher is coming in a minute. Don't you
want to take your textbooks out or something?%001:  .............%001:  Oh, right. Thanks.Kiyomi:  Don't you want to go to the nurse's office? Your
face is really red.%001:  ...................%001:  It's nothing.Kiyomi:  Are you sure? Your voice sounds strange too.%001:  I told you, I'm fine.Kiyomi:  But I still think it would be better if you went.%001:  I'm fine, okay? Besides, the teacher will be here
any minute.Kiyomi:  .......Alright.
<..............................*DING DONG DING DONG*  
#CT01A0Reiko:  %001.Mio:  %001!Reiko/Mio:  Let's have lunch!%001:  ...........................Reiko:  %001?
Mio:  %001?%001:  .......................%001:  Oh, hi, Reiko, Mio.Reiko/Mio:  .......................      
#CT01IA0Reiko:  Are you okay? You look kind of spaced out.%001:  .............................

CT14S   <
CT14A0Makoto:  Oh, that's okay. This wouldn't be the first
time that's happened.%001:  What, Makoto, who are you saying is spaced out?Makoto:  Man, he can't even hear properly.%001:  ..............................      
#CT01IA0Reiko:  %001, your face is so red.%001:  No. I'm fine.Reiko:  Your voice is funny, too.%001:  It's nothing.e6D       
CT02IA0Kiyomi:  %001, are you really okay?%001:  I'm totally fine.Kiyomi:  If you say so...f6D       
CT03A0Mio:  %001...%001:  Oh, I'm fine, I'm fine.Mio:  ......................g6D     
CT08A0Meimi:  %001, are you sure you're okay?%001:  I'm just fine and dandy. Isn't that obvious?Meimi:  Well, it doesn't look like it, but whatever you
CT07A0Seia:  It looks like you've stopped sneezing.%001:  Yup.Seia:  But now your voice sounds odd.Seia:  Coughing and sneezing are defense mechanisms your
body uses to expel contaminants.Seia:  And your voice is strange because your throat is
probably swollen, and the air flow of your breathing has
completely changed.Seia:  So even though your body is acting strangely, it
doesn't mean it's not working to defend itself.%001:  ......................%001:  So what you're saying is I'm getting worse?Seia:  Good guess.        
CT07A0Seia:  ...At this point, I think it would be better if
you went to the hospital.%001:  ...H- Hospital?Seia:  Yes. You should get some medicine and have yourself
looked at. You definitely need to have this treated.%001:  .......................Makoto:  Oho? %001, you look like you're at a loss for
words.%001:  It's nothing.

CT08S   <
CT08A0Meimi:  So %001, are you afraid of the doctor?Makoto:  Hohoho. %001, are you that much of a baby?%001:  Shut up, will you?   
CT07A0Seia:  Well, you should at least go see the doctor once.%001:  Yeah, yeah.i6D    
CT14A0Makoto:  %001, always the center of attention, aren't you?%001:  ...Huh?Makoto:  Everyone's all worried about you. It makes me want
to catch a cold too.%001:  Here, you want it?Makoto:  I can't use yours. It's already used. I need a new
one.%001:  .........................      
CT14A0Makoto:  I don't want your cold.%001:  So, Makoto, you're saying you want me to get better
fast?Makoto:  Yeah, before I catch it, that is.%001:  ......................j6D  efghij
#CT01IA0Reiko:  Here, let me see.Uh...Reiko:  What are you afraid of?%001:  I'm not.Reiko:  If you're not, then let me look.%001:  No.Reiko:  Why not?%001:  That's...*DING DONG DING DONG*%001:  Oh, Reiko, wasn't that the bell?Reiko:  ............Reiko:  I'll come back later.
%001:  ...........  
CT02IA0Kiyomi:  .............CS703.OVL