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"yБЙСЩбй│╜$"#8>FMUZ`gq  TALKMAKOTOREIKOKIYOMIMIOSEIAMEIMINOBUYUKIHIDEMI8>w8Fл8M08U┐8ZR8`╙8g[_8q╝я..................................................................................................................................................................................................
;AB_42%001:  .......Hmmm...%001:  .......%001:  What time is it?%001:  .......%001:  What? Is it already time for school to let out?%001:  .....I better go back........................
%CT14A0Makoto:  Hey, %001. How's it going?%001:  Good, I feel much better.Makoto:  Really?    
#CT01IA0Reiko:  %001?!
Mio:  %001?!%001:  Hi.Reiko:  What do you mean, 'Hi'? I heard you collapsed in
the middle of class!Mio:  So then we went over to the nurse's office, but
there was nobody there, so we rushed over here to see
what was going on.%001:  Oh. We must have just missed each other.Reiko:  So what?! What's more important is how you're
feeling!%001:  I'm feeling better. I slept a really long time.Mio:  But %001, you're still kind of flushed.%001:  Ah, it's nothing.Mio:  But....%001:  I said I'm fine... Is school over?Kiyomi:  That's right, but, are you all right?%001:  Hey, I'm fine. Where's my bag?Kiyomi:  Here. There you go.%001:  Oh, thanks. Well, see you tomorrow... *CRASH*%001:  .......Ugh.Reiko:  %001!!
Kiyomi:  %001!!
Mio:  %001!!%001:  .........Huh?Reiko:  Okay, this is getting ridiculous!Kiyomi:  %001, pull yourself together!Mio:  %001!%001:  It's okay. I just tripped, that's all.Reiko:  ....................Reiko:  Kiyomi, do you know where %001's house is?Kiyomi:  No, I don't.....    
CT07A0Makoto:  I know where his house is.Reiko:  Would you show us? I don't think he'll make it
home alone in his condition.Meimi:  I don't think he'll make it out of the school,
much less to his house.Makoto:  Understood. We will escort you home, sir.%001:  H- Hey.....All:  You're sick. Behave yourself!%001:  Okay...;........................
=Makoto:  This is it, Reiko.Reiko:  Oh, it's an electronics store.Mio:  Hello!   
CT09A0Nobuyuki:  Hello, come in. %001? What the heck are you
doing?%001:  ..................Kiyomi:  Actually..... (explain explain)Nobuyuki:  ....Oh, now I understand.Nobuyuki:  So basically %001, in trying to get all you
girls to fall in love with him, has used up all his
strength.Kiyomi:  Well, not really.%001:  Dad.....Nobuyuki:  %001, I know you're young, but you shouldn't
be so reckless.Nobuyuki:  Well, I know you probably won't listen to me
anyway, but... Next time make sure you call me.Nobuyuki:  I'll show you how to go about it the right
way.%001:  Dad, will you please stop it...?

(CT10    <
(CT10A0Meimi:  What's this?!Hidemi:  What.....is.......this!Hidemi:  Shu-chan! Who are all these girls?Nobuyuki:  Apparently these are all his girlfriends.Hidemi:  ............................Hidemi:  Waaaaah!!Hidemi:  How mean of you, Shu-chan, you've made Mommy very
sad.Nobuyuki:  Well now, dear, %001 is growing up. It's very
promising that he can get all these girls to go out with
him at once.Hidemi:  But, I don't want another girl to take my little
Shu-chan away.Nobuyuki:  I understand how you feel, but....%001:  Please....%001:  Somebody....%001:  Get me out of here...2*CRASH*Reiko:  %001, careful!Kiyomi:  ....Anyway, straight to bed!Makoto:  His room's upstairs!Nobuyuki:  Dear, all boys will have to leave the nest
someday....Hidemi:  But, but...................................
#CT01A0Reiko:  Phew. That's it, I guess.Kiyomi:  Yes, he seems to have calmed down.Mio:  %001....are you alright?%001:  Yeah, pretty much.  
CT14A0%001:  Makoto...thanks for helping me out.Makoto:  Yeah, you're a pain in the butt.     
#CT01A0Reiko:  Sorry for making you help us.Makoto:  No problem, Reiko. In fact, it was rather a
pleasure!%001:  ..........................e66    
#CT01A0%001:  Reiko, thanks for taking me home.Reiko:  Oh, hush. It was no nothing at all.f66  
CT02A0%001:  Kiyomi, thanks for helping me.Kiyomi:  Don't be silly, it was the obvious thing to do.g66        
CT03A0%001:  Mio, thanks for helping me out.Mio:  Mmhm.....%001, are you sure you're okay?%001:  Sure.h66     
CT07A0%001:  Seia, thanks.Seia:  It is God's will that we should help people in need.i66      
CT08A0%001:  Thanks for helping me get back, Meimi.Meimi:  Well, don't worry about it, okay?j66%001:  Where's my father?Makoto:  I think he's downstairs. You want me to get him?%001:  No, anything but that....Reiko:  I've never met your Dad before, but he's kind
of...%001:  Please, Reiko, don't finish that sentence.Reiko:  Sure, okay.k66.......................Nevermind. I don't want to expose myself to any more
embarrassment.%001:  Where's my mother?Makoto:  I think she's downstairs. You want me to get
her?%001:  No, please!Reiko:  I've never met your Mom before...but...Kiyomi:  I thought she was really nice.%001:  .............Reiko:  ................Meimi:  Kiyomi, I really wonder about you sometimes....l66..........................................Nevermind. She's not here.         efghijkl
#CT01A0Reiko:  .....Well, %001. We better get going. Make sure
you get enough sleep.Kiyomi:  I'll put the medicine we got from the nurse
right here. Don't forget to take it.Mio:  Take care, %001.       
CT07A0Meimi:  Make sure you take that medicine!Seia:  Don't worry, Meimi. I'll tell his parents to take
care of it.Makoto:  See ya, %001!%001:  Yeah. Thanks, everybody.............................................<Reiko:  ...Oh, it's my birthday tomorrow, you know.Kiyomi:  ......Well, how would it be if we had the party
at %001's house?Meimi:  Sounds good!Mio:  Great!Makoto:  Sure!Reiko:  ...Are you sure it's okay?Makoto:  Sure. His family loves parties.Reiko:  Really? Well, if you think so....Seia:  Okay, let's do that. Why don't we start organizing?Kiyomi:  Why don't we prepare at my house? Shinji will
be there too, and the kitchen is pretty big.Mio:  Well, I........................................CS706.OVL