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CT14A0Makoto:  .....Hey, %001! You're alive! 
#CT01IA0Reiko:  %001!Kiyomi:  %001! Pull yourself together!Mio:  %001! %001! Don't die on us!%001:  .............%001:  Who died?Reiko:  .............Kiyomi:  .............Mio:  .............%001:  .............     
CT14DA0Makoto:  .............*BASH*%001:  Ow!! What the hell, Makoto!Makoto:  Oh, shut up. You're just pretending to be sick,
#CT08DA0Meimi:  You look better...a little.%001:  I feel better.

CT14F   <
CT14A0Makoto:  Well, whatever. Why don't we go downstairs.
We're going to have Reiko's birthday party.%001:  What?Makoto:  We're having Reiko's birthday party, remember?
Right here, in your house.Makoto:  Because you can't move, we came to you. Be 
grateful.%001:  Oh.    
#CT01IA0Reiko:  Sorry, %001. We're bothering you, aren't we?%001:  ............................%001:  No, not at all.Reiko:  Really?%001:  Yeah.

#CT01F   <
#CT01A0Reiko:  Thanks.%001:  I'm the one who should be thanking you. Well, shall
we go downstairs?*CRASH*Reiko:  %001!
Kiyomi:  %001!
Mio:  %001!%001:  Oh, I'm okay. I just fell down.Reiko:  Don't strain yourself. We'll carry you downstairs.%001:  .......Sorry..............................
CT12KA0Kyoko:  .....Oh %001. How are you doing?%001:  Why are you here, Sensei?Kyoko:  I'm here to visit the patient, of course.%001:  What do you have there in your hand?Kyoko:  I brought some sake, of course.Kyoko:  I've said it before, haven't I? 'Sake is the best
medicine'.%001:  ........................................

CT06K   <
CT06KA0Aki:  %001!%001:  Aki, you came too?        
CT06D   ;
CT06DA0Aki:  Why not?!%001:  Oh, no reason.Kyoko:  Well, come on, let's have a drink!%001:  So I guess you're going to make me drink.
<AE_030%001:  Where's Makoto?Aki:  Stay put, you! Take this!Makoto:  Help!%001:  ................What, are they fighting again or something?Let's just leave them alone.e6│Reiko:  %001, are you feeling okay?%001:  I'm just fine.Reiko:  Aren't you cold? Should I get you a blanket?%001:  No, I don't need one.Reiko:  Here, %001. This is really delicious.%001:  Oh, thanks.Reiko:  ....%001, this is good too. How are you doing?%001:  Thanks.Kiyomi:  You're the birthday girl here, Reiko. Why don't
you sit down and relax?Reiko:  Hm? I'm enjoying myself.Kiyomi:  Oh, I just thought...%001:  ......................Reiko:  %001, here's some orange juice.%001:  Oh, thanks.Reiko:  Looks like you're sweating a bit.....I'll go get
a towel.%001:  That's okay.Reiko:  Really? I'll go get it anyway. Even if you don't
use it now, you can use it later.Mio:  Reiko, I'll go get it. You take a seat.Reiko:  Thanks, Mio.%001:  .................Reiko:  I'll go get you some more food.%001:  Reiko, wait a minute.Reiko:  What?%001:  Well, today is your birthday, right?Reiko:  Yes, of course.%001:  So, why don't you just sit down, next to me? Because
I'm just fine here.Reiko:  ..................f6│Reiko:  Hey, %001. Do I look like I'm not having fun?%001:  Eh?Reiko:  I'm enjoying this. I'm just happy that so many
of you are here.%001:  .............Reiko:  And besides...Suddenly, Reiko looked deep into my eyes. And straight
into my heart.Reiko:  I mean, %001.........I.......%001:  Reiko........Kiyomi:  .................
Mio:  ..................%001:  .......Hm?Suddenly I noticed that Kiyomi and Mio were glaring at
us.Reiko:  ......A- Anyway, I'm having fun. Are you having
fun too, %001?%001:  ......Ah, of course......Geez, what was that about?Hidemi:  Hello! I'm back with a birthday cake!Nobuyuki:  Oh, everyone's here.Mio:  Oh, Reiko!Kiyomi:  Why don't you put it here? I'll light the
candles.Reiko:  Great, I'll be right back, %001!%001:  Oh, yeah.Always the same, those three.Was I just imagining what just happened?Later........Everybody sang 'Happy birthday' at the top of their
lungs, and Reiko blew out all the candles in one breath.I don't think I'll ever forget Reiko's smiling face in
that moment.She was really just glowing with happiness........I knew it then. I wanted to do something for her.In order to do that... I had to get over this cold fast.Even though I don't like it, I'll take that medicine.That's really what I thought, from the bottom of my
heart....<CS708.OVLKiyomi:  %001, I brought you a cushion.%001:  Oh, thanks.Kiyomi:  %001, is there something you'd like to eat?%001:  Nah, you don't have to get me anything. There's
still stuff left that Reiko brought me.Kiyomi:  ......g6│Mio:  %001, have some of this!%001:  .....Oh, thanks. ....Did you make this, Mio?Mio:  Yes! I thought since you were sick, you'd like
something soft. How is it?%001:  .....Mmm, it's delicious.Mio:  Oh, good...(...Actually, I can't taste much of anything right
now...)Mio:  %001, I'll make you some sake with a raw egg in
it later, okay?%001:  Oh, thanks.h6│%001:  Seia?Seia:  ......She's sitting in a corner again........................I probably shouldn't bother her.i6│%001:  Meimi...?Meimi:  ...Blah blah, you don't say?Uh-oh. She's talking to my parents.I wonder what they're talking about over there?j6│%001:  Aki...?Aki:  Come back here, Makoto!Makoto:  .......No, wait!%001:  ...........I can't tell if those two like each other or hate each other.Well, she seems to be pretty relaxed today, though.k6│Kyoko:  %001, are you drinking?%001:  A little.Kyoko:  Well, that's not enough. You have to apply yourself.%001:  ....To what?Kyoko:  'The mother of all medicine..'As she was talking, Sensei poured some sake in my cup.%001:  Um, there was some beer in there before.Kyoko:  Oh. Well, it'll taste good, too.Kyoko:  Well? What do you have there, %001?%001:  Well, some orange juice, actually.Kyoko:  Oh well.*GLUG GLUG GLUG*Before I knew it, she was pouring some Vodka into my cup.Kyoko:  There, now you have a screwdriver.%001:  ..........I better stop. I feel like I'm strangling myself...l6│        efghijkl