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9%001:  Good morning!  
#CT14A0Makoto:  Hey, %001. Hey, you look a lot better now.%001:  Yeah, I feel great!

CT02S   <
CT02A0Kiyomi:  Good morning. Are you feeling better?%001:  Yeah, fantastic!

CT08K   <
CT08KA0Meimi:  Hi there, %001! You're looking peppy.%001:  Yeah, I feel like a new man!Meimi:  Yeah, you were really looking close to death for
a while there.%001:  Yeah, well.*DING DONG DING DONG*Makoto:  Oh, the bell.%001:  Well, better get ready for class then.Kiyomi:  ....%001, what's that...?%001:  Oh, this? This is Reiko's birthday present.Kiyomi:  ..................

CT08S   <
CT08A0Meimi:  Really, can I see it?%001:  Why?Meimi:  I just want to see it, that's all.%001:  But why do you want to see it? I didn't make it
for you, you know.        
CT08D   ;
CT08DA0Meimi:  What, is it private or something?%001:  None of your business.Kyoko:  Hi there, everybody!%001:  Oh, it's Sensei.
<Seia:  .... Stand! ... Bow! ... Be seated!(Japanese students do this every day when the teacher
comes into the classroom.)Kyoko:  Right, thanks. Now, why don't we take roll...................9
AB_36_1%001:  .....Hmmmm, 3-A....3-A....Oh, here it is.
9%001:  Reiko......  
CT01A0Reiko:  ....%001? What are you doing here?%001:  ....Um, well...*RUSTLE RUSTLE*%001:  This is for you.Reiko:  What is it?%001:  It's a bit late, but it's your birthday present.Reiko:  ....My what?%001:  Well, I didn't give you anything at your party,
right?%001:  So I'm giving it to you now.... I just wanted to give
you something.Reiko:  .........%001:  Will you accept it? Even though it's two days late.Reiko:  .........

CT01K   <
CT01KA0Reiko:  Thanks, really.Reiko:  I love it. Thank you.%001:  Really?Reiko:  Yes. Thanks, %001.*DING DONG DING DONG*%001:  Well, there's the bell. See ya!Reiko:  Yeah, thanks.............Reiko:  ........Reiko:  Thank you, %001....Reiko:  I......I.......................................;CS801.OVL