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9AB_27_2Two weeks later.Volleyball player:  Let's go, Yamagami!*HIT*%001:  Got it!*BASH*Volleyball player:  Okay! Perfect!Baseball player:  Hey, Yamagami. It's your turn!%001:  Okay!............................................
9AB_11_2Baseball player:  Here you are again. You've got a glove
this time, I see.%001:  ...Come on!Baseball player:  Try this!*THROW*%001:  Oh!*CATCH*Baseball player:  Okay! That wasn't bad!Soccer player:  Yamagami, let's go!%001:  Okay!............................................
9AB_14_2Soccer player:  Okay, try this! Hah!*KICK*%001:  ...Mine!*KICK*Soccer player:  Nice, Yamagami. You've really gotten better.%001:  Thanks.Soccer player:  Your timing is good, and you work well with
the others.%001:  Let's do our best at the sports festival!Student:  Hey, Yamagami!%001:  I'll be right there!
9.....................................%001:  *pant pant*...............I think I'm going to die...   
CT02IA0Reiko:  ........%001.She still looks worried.She won't believe me if I tell her I'm really fine.She still looks worried.I hope she isn't going to try to get me to quit again.She still looks worried.Is she done with her own practice, I wonder?%001:  *pant pant*.....I've got to rest a little.%001:  I know how you feel, but as long as I've come this
far, I want to go all the way.Kiyomi:  Yes, but...%001:  I'm okay. I won't die, don't worry.< Well, see you
tomorrow. You should get home before it gets dark.Reiko:  %001!Mio:  %001...CS802.OVLReiko:  %001... Are you alive?%001:  *pant pant*Reiko:  ...............................Kiyomi:  %001, you're at your limit!%001:  ....*pant pant pant*Kiyomi:  .................................Mio:  %001, you're trying hard enough already. Stop!%001:  *pant pant pant pant*Mio:  .........................Reiko:  %001, I know you said you promised, but I don't
think it's good for you to be tough or cool.Reiko:  If you hurt yourself...Kiyomi:  She's right. You've kept up the practice for two
weeks, and no one would say anything about you if you quit.Mio:  That's right! Everyone knows how hard you're trying!%001:  ......................%001:  I've rested. I guess I'll get back.Reiko:  %001!
Kiyomi:  %001!
Mio:  %001!They're really worried about me.But I can't stop in the middle. I can't!