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 $q{НХЭ▒&,26:$%>`  D`  J  Q  Y  LOOKTALKTHINKREFUSEAGREESHOKO>`Ё9D`O╠Uх┼FQ  ьY  <   J  ё>a 
?Ъ%001:  My body hurts.%001:  ..................................%001:  I wonder if I can really make it to the end of this?%001:  ...Well, I'll just do my best.
CT09A0%001:  I'm home...Nobuyuki:  Ah, you're late. A friend of yours is waiting
for you.%001:  Really?Nobuyuki:  Your mother and I are going out for a bit....Do
your best.%001:  Um, okay.
AB_38_29...I go up to my room to see who was here. 
CT04A0Shoko:  Ah, Shu-kun! Welcome home!%001:  Shoko! Why are you here?She seems really quiet for some reason.I wonder what's wrong with her.She's...crying.Why?%001:  Um, what are you doing here?Shoko:  I wanted to talk to you.%001:  .......................To me?Shoko:  Yes.%001:  ...What did you want to talk about?Shoko:  Well...I want you to know that you don't have to go
to soccer practice anymore.%001:  Why not?Shoko:  I talked to the soccer captain today. He said you
would be fine even without any more practice.%001:  ...Really?Shoko:  Okay? So you don't have to go back to the soccer
practice anymore.%001:  ...It's not as easy as that.Shoko:  .....       
CT04I   ;
CT04IA0Shu-kun, I'm worried about you!%001:  You are?Shoko:  You're practicing ten times as hard as the boys
on the soccer team. You're going to hurt yourself!%001:  Shoko...Shoko:  So...don't go back, okay?%001:  But I...Shoko:  But nothing! You're going to really hurt yourself!%001:  Shoko...What should I say to her?%001:  ......I'm sorry, Shoko.Shoko:  Why?%001:  I started this. And now I don't want to break my
promise.Shoko:  Shu-kun...%001:  Also...you know how stubborn I am, right? ...I'll be
okay. Nothing's going to happen.Shoko:  ......I knew it.%001:  .............What?Shoko:  You like Reiko more than me, don't you?%001:  Huh?Shoko:  .....Shu-kun...I...
<Shoko:  I hate you!!%001:  Shoko!?%001:  ..............She's gone...................................%001:  What was that all about?........................................%001:  Guess I'll go to bed.CS803.OVL%001:  .......Okay, Shoko.Shoko:  Really?%001:  Yes. To be honest, it was pretty hard.   
CT04K   ;
CT04KA0Shoko:  Thank you, Shu-kun.%001:  Okay, well... I'll take you home now. Huh? What? 
CT04I   ;
CT04IA0Shoko:  Shu-kun?%001:  I'll be alright. My muscles just tightened up, that's
all. I shouldn't have relaxed like that.Shoko:  ........................ 
CT04K   ;
CT04KA0Shoko:  I'll massage you!%001:  ...You will?Shoko:  Yes. I am the manager of the soccer team, you
know! I have to massage the boys's muscles sometimes.%001:  ...That's right. Okay, thanks.Shoko:  Okay, lie down here.%001:  Okay.CSE_D_1.OVL What's she planning now?...................She seems different, somehow.Shoko is really worried about me.If I do as she asks, I'll have broken my promise.......................But I'm not sure if I can go any farther with this. I
might really hurt myself after all.If I do hurt myself practicing, I won't be able to
participate in the sports festival at all.That would really hurt everyone in my class.I guess it wouldn't hurt to reduce the number of sports
I was going to participate in.But I will probably be fine.I'm actually used to pushing myself too far.I can't ignore Shoko's feelings, though...........................What should I do?Is there anything I can do?..........................................................................Hmm, I can't think of anything.