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\hxВ$*.C  4S  <  LOOKLISTENTHINKSEIA AND MEIMIREQUEST.CяNЭ4S)7╟п<  <<%001:  ........................................
 CT07A0Meimi:  Seia, will you hand me the ketchup?Seia:  Here.Meimi:  Thanks, Seia.Seia:  Will you hand me the mustard?Meimi:  Sure...here.Seia:  Thanks.%001:  ........................................Meimi:  %001, aren't you going to eat?%001:  Oh, I'm eating.Meimi:  Really? Okay, then.%001:  ........................................I didn't notice it before, but... These girls really eat a
lot.Where do they put it all?Seia:  What's wrong?%001:  ...Nothing, nothing at all.They just eat and eat...Their stomachs must be fourth dimensional doorways or
something.I'm amazed, watching these girls eat.How was it I never noticed this before?Why are they so worried about me, anyway?Well, it's nice of them and all.I'm just trying to do what I started out to do, that's all.e%001:  So, what did you want to talk to me about?Meimi:  Um, okay...Meimi:  %001, this is about the sports festival.%001:  And?Seia:  Well, how is your practice going?%001:  I could be better, but it's going pretty well.Seia:  To be blunt, we think you're overworking yourself.%001:  ...Really?Seia:  Yes. We think you should reduce the number of events
you participate in at the sports festival.Seia:  You'll agree, won't you?%001:  You don't understand. I started this, so I've got to
finish it.Seia:  Isn't it okay for you to stop practicing for some
of the sports?%001:  .......................................Meimi:  I mean, you're in so many sports, and some of the
other students in our class aren't participating enough.Seia:  You see? If you reduce the number of sports you're
going to be in, some others will participate more.%001:  ............................................%001:  Just how many people are not bothering to partipate
because of me?Seia: I'd have to check the data, but I'm sure there are
seven or eight students.%001:  And they're not going out for any events at all?Seia:  Well...%001:  So how many of them will participate more if I
reduce the number of events I'm in?Seia:  .......................................%001:  .......You can't know that, right? I didn't think so.     
 CT07A0Meimi:  Yes, but!%001:  I'll be just fine. Please don't worry about me.Seia:  ....Is there anything we can do to change your mind?%001:  Nothing. I appreciate your concern, though. Thanks.Seia:  I see. Well, we'll give up, then.Meimi:  Seia!Seia:  But please remember this.Seia:  Everyone who knows you is really worried about you.Seia:  Please don't forget that.%001:  ........................................%001:  Thanks, both of you. I'll be careful.Seia:  Okay.Meimi:  .......................................%001:  It's late. Let's get out of here.We go outside.CS803_2.OVLIncredible. Simply incredible.Everyone's so worried about me. I wish they'd all just relax.I'll be okay. g