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к,9щJ┐5<%001:  Got you!
CT07A0Seia:  ..............%001?%001:  That's what it says on my birth certificate.   
CT07D     ;
CT07DA0Seia:  What are you doing here? What about Meimi?%001:  ....................Why are you mad?Seia:  I- I'm not mad.%001:  Meimi's fine. No one's going to mess with her.Seia:  But I...%001:  She asked me to walk you home, instead.Seia:  But I asked you to walk her home.%001:  But I didn't say I'd do it.Seia:  ..............%001:  ..............      
CT07V     ;
CT07VA0Seia:  .........Okay. Thank you.%001:  Is this the right way?Seia:  Yes...%001:  But if we continue down this road, we'll end up
back where we just left Meimi.Seia:  ......      
CT07A0That's okay. I don't have to do what I was
going to do tonight.%001:  ..........Okay, then.Seia:  %001, do you enjoy your practice?%001:  ..............Enjoy it?Seia:  I mean, to practice that hard, every day... There has
to be something fun about it for you to go on every day.%001:  ........................I guess......Hmmm, that's right...I wonder why I never realized it before?Seia:  ...........%001?It's just as Seia said...Practice isn't fun, but I don't hate it at all.Seia:  %001, are you listening to me?Do I like practice because I promised everyone?.......................That might be part of it...Seia:  %001!Hmmmm...Seia:  %001!%001:  Huh? You scared me!Seia:  What's wrong? Why did you stop walking?%001:  ........................Did I stop?Seia:  Yes. Did I say something strange?%001:  No, nothing. Nevermind. When I think about something
deep, I always stop walking.Seia:  Were you thinking about what I just asked you?%001:  ....Yeah. I'd never thought about it before.Seia:  ........................%001:  If you ask me if practice if fun, I'd have to say no.%001:  But I don't hate it for some reason. Before recently,
I'm sure I would have hated it, though. Something's
changed in me.Seia:  %001...Seia:  %001? Why would you have hated practicing before?%001:  I hate standing out from everyone else.Seia:  Standing out?%001:  Yeah. I never liked that.%001:  Before, when I did well at sports, people pretended
to be happy for me... But it was all a lie.%001:  By the time I noticed that, it was too late. All
of my friends were gone.  
CT07I     ;
CT07IA0Seia:  %001...%001:  I hated school... I hated everything about school. I
even thought about running away from home.Seia:  I'm sorry for asking something so personal.%001:  No, I'm sorry for talking like this... Um, what were
we talking about?Seia:  .................About practice.%001:  Oh, that's right.%001:  ......................%001:  I just realized why I don't hate practice.%001:  ...Everyone in our class knows pretty much what
I'm capable of, right?Seia:  I guess so.%001:  But everyone's letting me into their group, being
nice to me. I like that.  
CT07K     ;
CT07KA0Seia:  That's true. %001:  The guys who are practicing with me are the same.%001:  They're going to all that trouble to set up time for
me so I can train with them.%001:  That's really nice of them.Seia:  That's right.%001:  So I've got to do my best. I've got to. Do you see
that?Seia:  %001...
%001:  .......Something must be wrong with me tonight,
talking about heavy topics like this.Seia:  ..................No, it's alright.%001:  Really?Seia:  Yes. I think you're a splended person...%001:  What?Seia:  ..................Oh, nothing. Really. Nothing.%001:  .................??Seia:  .......................%001:  .......................Seia:  .......................Haha...%001:  ...........What are you laughing at?Seia:  I'm just happy.%001:  ..........Happy? Why?Seia:  Haha.........It's a secret!%001:  Secret? What?Seia:  Let's hurry along! %001:  I guess so...<........................................Seia:  Thank you, %001. I can go by myself from here.%001:  Really?Seia:  Yes, my house is just around the corner.%001:  Okay. See you tomorrow.Seia:  See you. Um, %001?%001:  Yes?Seia:  I'm glad I met you.%001:  ................Yes, me too. Thanks, Seia.Seia:  Sure. Good night, %001.%001:  Goodnight................................
<AB_43_2%001:  So she's glad she met me...%001:  That's nice.ккккк<CS804.OVL