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IU_}$*6=  06  LOOKTALKREIKORESTAURANT*60u▓*=z06╫N∙]╤╢n
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CT01A0Reiko:  Is this place okay?%001:  Since you're treating me, you choose where we'll eat.Reiko:  Okay, let's go in here. Excuse me, I'd like to order
burger set A. What about you, %001?%001:  I'll have the same.Reiko:  We'll take two.Girl:  Thank you very much. That's two orders of burger
set A. Please wait a moment...................Reiko and I took our food and sat down.She seems happy tonight.I wonder if anything good happened to her.She seems upset about something.Did I say something wrong?She got quiet all of the sudden.I guess she doesn't care about video games.eIt's near dinnertime, so the restaurant's pretty crowded.We're lucky to even have a place to stand up and eat.It says on the menu, 'Smile free.'Shall I order one?I'd better not in front of Reiko.fReiko:  The restaurant's really crowded. I didn't mean for
us to have to stand up like this.%001:  I don't mind.%001:  I was kind of surprised to see you in the game
center today.Reiko:  Really?%001:  You really had blood lust in your eyes back there.Reiko:  .............Let's drop it, shall we?%001:  Do you like going to game centers?Reiko:  Sometimes. I usually just watch, though.%001:  But you play them sometimes?Reiko:  Yes. I especially like slot machines, or games like
that.%001:  I see. So you like gambling.Reiko:  How about you, %001? What games do you play? Sports
games?%001:  Oh, I play them all.%001:  I really like fighting games, though. There are
dozens of fighting games out right now.Reiko:  ..........I didn't know that.%001:  In a nutshell, you control the character with the
buttons and levers, and fight against opponents, each with
various special attacks.Reiko:  I see.%001:  The action in the games is similar to a karate
match.Reiko:  ....Oh.%001:  You can play against the computer or against other
players.Reiko:  I think I've seen machines like that.%001:  You can see them everywhere these days.Reiko:  So you love these fighting games?%001:  Yeah, I guess.Reiko:  So what's so great about these games?%001:  The best is when you play against another human
opponent.Reiko:  Would I be able to do that?%001:  Sure. It's just a matter of getting used to the
controls. Some girls are really good at these games.Reiko:  ..........Do you know any of these girls?%001:  Sure. A girl just cleaned the floor with me at
Virtual Ninja 2, just before I saw you.Reiko:  .......................%001:  She's incredible. Her attacks and defenses are all
perfect.Reiko:  ...............................%001:  There was nothing I could do against her. Her moves
were just beautiful.Reiko:  ...............................%001:  It was a great fight, even though she creamed me.%001:  I can't tell you what it was like to fight her. 
Simply breathtaking.Reiko:  ...............................%001:  She's a serious gamer. Not like the worthless dreck
you find hanging out in game centers most of the time.Reiko:  ...............................   Reiko:  Is that girl...cute?%001:  .............Hm?Reiko:  Ah!.......Um, nevermind.%001:  ....................Reiko:  .....I'm sorry, I interrupted what you were saying.
Please continue.%001:  .....Um, what was I talking about?Reiko:  ...............................%001:  ...............................Reiko:  ...............................
%001:  I'm sorry. I really get into my hobbies.Reiko:  No, that's alright. Hey, could I learn to play video
games like that girl?%001:  ....Hmm, I'd have to see you playing the game to
tell for sure...Reiko:  Oh, of course.Reiko:  %001, let's leave.%001:  Okay.We threw our trash away and left the restaurant.Reiko:  I'll walk you partway home.%001:  Okay, thanks.CS809.OVL