
Subversion Repositories NedoOS


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"sЗПЩбй$*6"#:M  @W_fk  F  LOOKTALKTHINKEVERYONEMAKOTOREIKOMIOKIYOMI:MЭ  @W@_Я@f     D@k■F  ОFinally, the day of the Sports Festival was here.
<It's been a long few weeks. During it all I was never
able to believe that this day would actually come.All that work, just for these two days.Well, I'll do my best!Everyone else looks in shape and ready for a good match.................But I won't let them beat me.Hmmm....   
CT14A0Makoto:  Why don't you sit down and relax?%001:  You're right.Makoto:  You sure you're ready for this? That's a lot of
pressure for one person.%001:  Of course I'm ready. What was that all that practice
for?Makoto:  I guess you're right. I'll be cheering for you
today.%001:  Thanks, Makoto.Makoto:  And if you fuck up and make our class look bad,
I'll get you back at the next survival club meeting.%001:  Either support me or threaten me. Make up your
CT02A0Kiyomi:  Is anything wrong, %001?%001:  No, I just can't seem to relax. I guess I'm nervous.    
CT08A0Meimi:  Why not? What was all that training for? You'll be
fine.%001:  ..........Okay.      
(CT07A0Seia:  %001 trained so hard, pushing himself to the very
edge. He'll be fine, now.%001:  Thanks, Seia.  
CT03A0Mio:  That's right, %001 really trained hard.    
CT01A0Reiko:  Yes. Nothing worth doing comes easy, and this has
been very difficult for %001 so far.%001:  Thanks, both of you.......Everyone's hoping I do well at the Sports Festival.I can't let them down.      
CT14A0Makoto:  Yo, %001. How do you feel?%001:  I'm fine.Makoto:  That's good. Let's both do our best.%001:  Yeah.     
CT01A0Reiko:  Good morning, %001.%001:  Good morning, Reiko.Reiko:  How are you today? Think you'll be in top
condition today?%001:  Of course!Reiko:  I'm expecting you to win a lot. Good luck.%001:  Thanks. You, too.%001:  .............................................She seems the same as always.I wonder what was up with her yesterday.    
CT03A0Mio:  %001!%001:  Hi, Mio.Mio:  I'm looking forward to our doubles match.%001:  Yeah, me too. 
CT06A0Aki:  Hello there, Mio. You seem quite happy this morning.Mio:  Ah, Aki...Aki:  You must be happy to have %001 as your partner.Mio:  I won fair and square! We agreed that whoever won
our match would be %001's partner at doubles.Aki:  Don't remind me!Mio:  You're a poor sport.%001:  It'll be okay. I'm paired up with Aki for the three-
legged race, so it's fair to everyone. Can you run fast, Aki?Aki:  Of course! Anyone who plays tennis has to be fast
on their feet.%001:  Okay, well, I guess everything is fine, then..........I didn't get in any practice with Aki, now that
I think of it.I wonder if we'll be okay.  
CT03A0Mio:  %001, don't overdo it today, alright?%001:  I'll be fine. Don't worry.Mio:  Okay...%001:  .........Everyone worries so much around here.     
CT02A0Kiyomi:  Good morning, %001.%001:  Morning.       
(CT07A0Meimi:  Good morning, %001!
Seia:  Morning, %001!%001:  Hi.        
CT12A0Kyoko:  Good morning, everyone! You all look so eager this
morning! Okay, everyone line up, please!The Sports Festival had begun.CS810_1.OVLI'm still feeling a little nervous...I mean, everyone's really rooting for me, hoping I'll
do well.I keep thinking about it, and it's keeping me from
relaxing.I've got to do my best!