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<AE_123Kyoko:  .........Mm!%001:  .............Mmmmm...*splooch*With a smooth, wet sound, my cock disappeared into her.As I moved into her, a wonderfully sharp sensation coursed
through my body, energizing my body with pleasure.%001:  Is...%001:  Is this.....woman?Kyoko:  Yes...I can't think of anything... There's nothing but pure
white...This is.....woman!Kyoko:  Does it feel good?%001:  ..... Feel good? I don't really know how to explain
it...Kyoko:  I'm going to move a little...*splurch*%001:  ..........Wah!Kyoko:  Mmmm...mmm...%001:  ...........It's good...%001:  Sensei! I'm coming...!!Kyoko:  No! You have to wait!%001:  .....I don't think there's anything I can do about
it...%001:  .......I'm coming!!Kyoko:  No.... Just a little more...!!%001:  ........I can't hold it!!;..............!!In the next moment, I felt like my center was being pulled
wonderfully out of me...Kyoko:  ...........Ah! Ah!Kyoko:  .........You came too early.%001:  I'm sorry...Kyoko:  It's okay. It was your first time. When a man comes,
it's all over for him. But women aren't like that.%001:  Okay.Kyoko:  You have to make the woman feel good, too. Is that
understood?%001:  Yes.Kyoko:  Fine. Shall we go to the second round?%001:  .....................What?Kyoko:  I can't give you a passing grade with that
performance. I've got to keep teaching you until you learn
how to satisfy a woman.%001:  ..........Okay.In the end, Sensei's special lesson went on until