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 `j|ЖО"(,0 !4U  :  @  G  LOOKTALKTHINKGO WITH THEMTHE GIRLS4UХ├:  pЬкъэ@  KG  ж
AB_29As punishment for wining the M.V.P. award at the sports
festival...I'm forced to go around to various events as a special
guest.I don't want to waste my time here!        
CT01A0Oh well.................Kiyomi:  The next event is a 'hero show'... You're a
gun-slinging hero in a stunt group called the Gunstars.%001:  Kiyomi, you're kidding, right?Kiyomi:  No, it's written right here. See?%001:  You're right.They seem tired from all this activity, too.They're looking at me with a surprised expression.I wonder why...Mio:  Their new comrade? I wonder who that is?Reiko:  Maybe %001?%001:  No, I don't want to go...Reiko:  I understand how you feel, %001. But you can't
run away from your responsibilities.%001:  .........Why not?   
CT13A0Dean:  Ha ha ha, well, how did you like the fishing
event, %001?The dean put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed.%001:  It's the dean!Dean:  Your code-name is now 'Desert Eagle.' I'm not
your dean anymore. I'm your commander.%001:  .......What are you talking about, sir?Commander:  You'll find out. Let's go, Desert Eagle.Reiko:  Wait!Mio:  %001!Kiyomi:  We're coming along, too!<  
CT01A0Mio:  %001, here you are. Some juice.%001:  Thanks.*guzzle guzzle*Mio:  You were really good. I didn't know you had acting
ability, too.%001:  Me neither. I wish I never found out.Dean:  You were great, %001.%001:  Sir, can I ask you something?Dean:  Sure, what?%001:  Did you think up all of these events yourself?Dean:  ........You're sharp! Yes, they're all my ideas.
Do you like them?%001:  I can't put it into words, sir.Dean:  Ha ha ha! Thanks, son.Kiyomi:  Um, can we go on to the next event now?%001:  What is it?Kiyomi:  It's a live concert... %001:  A concert?Kiyomi:  Yes, and you're the guest lead vocal.%001:  What?!?!Dean:  I'll be on stage, too, %001. I'll see you in
the concert hall in a few minutes.<...............................................After that, I was in a few more ridiculous events, then
the first day of the culture festival was over.Who would have thought I would be more tired after the
culture festival than the sports festival?
CT01A0Reiko:  Well, that's finished.Kiyomi:  Yes. Thanks, %001.Mio:  You must be tired.%001:  I am.%001:  Hey, are you guys hungry?Reiko:  I sure am.Kiyomi:  Me, too. My stomach's growling terribly.Mio:  Me, too!%001:  Let's go get some ramen. I'll treat you all.Mio:  You will?Reiko:  Really?%001:  Would I lie to you?Kiyomi:  I'm so happy!%001:  It's just ramen. It's no big deal.Mio:  Let's go!%001:  Okay.CS821.OVLI'm just glad to be finally away from the dean.Though, I have to admit, it was kind of fun to get up
in front of everyone as their hero.
<AB_29Before I knew what was happening, I was dressed in
outrageous clothes and forced to lip-sync a silly show
on stage.Black Snake:  Today I will kill the Gunstars!Salamander:  Yeah!???:  That's far enough!Black Snake:  Who are you????:  They call me.......The Desert Eagle.Desert Eagle:  I'm the sixth Gunstar.Black Snake:  Then you'll die with your friends!Salamandar:  Yeah!Desert Eagle:  Let's go, team! We've got a battle to win!........................................................Suddenly, there were twenty children around me, trying
to get my autograph....Then it was over.