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LV`jv(,8?G  2  LOOKTALKREIKOKIYOMIMIO,8iг,?└ы,GR2  k!That night...I took the three of them out for ramen.
;AE_033%001:  How is it?It's delicious!Kiyomi:  I've never been to a place like this. It's
wonderful.Mio:  This is the best ramen I've had in a long time!%001:  Well, good.Reiko's eating chashew ramen, with slices of pork in it.She's looking this way now.Kiyomi's having ramen with wan-ton in it.She's looking this way now.Mio's eating a large bowl of miso ramen with corn on top.
It looks good.She's looking this way.%001:  Thanks for helping me today, girls.Reiko:  It was nothing.Kiyomi:  That's right. Don't worry about it.Mio:  Sure... *slurp slurp*%001:  Thanks, everyone.Mio:  *slurp slurp*  So, shupi *slurp slurp* hoyow hom
arot?%001:  Mio, it's bad manners to talk with your mouth
full like that.Mio:  *slurp slurp* I'm sorry.%001:  It's okay, we just can't understand you. What did you
just say?Kiyomi:  I think she said, 'So do you come here a lot,
%001?'Mio:  That's right.............How did Kiyomi translate that?%001:  Well, I come here sometimes on my way home. Or
sometimes my father brings us all here for dinner.Reiko:  That's great.%001:  I sort of wanted to ask you a question.%001:  Why do you three always do so much for me?Reiko:  Hmm, I wonder.Kiyomi:  Because we want to do things for you.Mio:  .....*slurp*%001:  ...................................%001:  ......Y- You know, this ramen is really good. 
I'd better eat it before it gets cold.I bury my face in the ramen bowl.I know I can't let it go on like this. I've got to make
up my mind what to do.I've got to choose... And my deadline is next March, when
Reiko graduates.That's what kindness really is.I continued to eat my ramen.CS824.OVL