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AB_36_1%001:  It's finally lunchtime.  
CT01A0Reiko:  I'm tired!       
CT03A0Mio:  Here you go!Mio hands us all bento lunches.%001:  ......Oh, thanks.      
CT02A0Kiyomi:  Let's relax while we eat. It's not good for the
body to move around too soon after eating.%001:  ....It's looks delicious!This is Reiko's class. There's no one else here besides
us......Mm?*swish swish*Is someone there?*swish swish*........................................That red hair... It must be Aki!I shouldn't let her know that I've seen her.eI'm really glad that everyone is here for me.That was Aki a minute ago...I wonder what she wants?..................................She must still be worried about what happened after the
sports festival...................................She seems to have something difficult to say to me.I should get away from these girls if I'm going to talk
to her.f%001:  Hey, Reiko, why isn't there anyone else in your 
classroom?Reiko:  Everyone's walking around the culture festival.%001:  Oh.%001:  By the way, weren't you supposed to be helping
out with the set building for that play?Reiko:  .......Oh, yeah...Reiko:  .....................................%001:  You didn't make everyone else in your class do the
work instead, did you?Reiko:  ....Huh? N- No, of course not!I seem to have guessed right...%001:  Well, I want to go see the play, later.Reiko:  Alright.g%001:  Kiyomi, is there anything scheduled for the
afternoon?Kiyomi:  Let's see....Kiyomi:  At 12:55, another quiz show.Kiyomi:  At 1:55, a magic show.Kiyomi:  At 2:25, a karaoke contest.Kiyomi:  At 2:42, stand-up comedy.Kiyomi:  At 3:27, a finger-snapping competition.Kiyomi:  At 3:43, Susana Hoffs impersonations.Kiyomi:  At 4:01, a palm-reading.Kiyomi:  At 4:11, a pinesalad eating contest.Kiyomi:  At 4:28, Galaxy Police Braveman.Kiyomi:  At 5:05, the school movie festival.Kiyomi:  At 5:45, dinner with me....%001:  ........................Okay, thanks.%001:  You sure are organized.Kiyomi:  I am?%001:  Yes. I'm in awe of you.Kiyomi:  I hope I'm of use to you.h%001:  This bento is really good!Mio:  Really?%001:  Yes.Mio:  Thanks. I thought you might like it.%001:  Everything you make is so good, Mio.Mio:  Thanks. I just did what the book said to do.i%001:  I'm going to go to the bathroom.I leave the classroom.I should go behind the school building. I can talk to
Aki there.CS823.OVL%001:  Well, shall we go?Having finished our lunches, we started our schedule again.Whatever it is she wants to tell me, I'm sure she'll
get around to it eventually..йCS825.OVL