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<???:  Wah ha ha ha!I turned suddenly to see the weird hero show I was in
yesterday.I could see the new 'Desert Eagle,' too.That guy's not as good as I was yesterday.Where did they get this guy? He's only five feet tall!     
CT01A0Kiyomi:  Um, is anything wrong?%001:  Huh? Oh, no, everything's fine.Reiko:  Okay, what's next on the schedule, Kiyomi?Kiyomi:  It's right over there.Kiyomi pointed to a shooting target placed in one corner
of the schoolyard.She's already buying bullets.........That girl is fast.I wonder what she wants to win?Could she be trying for the Uranus game system?I'll bet some kind of stuffed animal. She's such a silly
girl.Kiyomi wants to try, too.Wait a minute. You mean this isn't one of those games
where you shoot a cork at a prize?They're handing out full automatic rifles!What's she trying for?A teddy bear or something?Mio's going to try.But Mio, with a full automatic rifle?I can't see it, for some reason.What's she trying for?......The recoil from the weapon is interfering with her
aim.What's happening to everyone?It's just a normal target range like you'd expect to
find anywhere.The prizes are all normal,too. Stuffed animals, candy,
a Zega Uranus game system.All perfectly normal.Wait a minute! A Uranus game system?!It's the newest game system on the market, with 64 bits
of power.Why is something like that a prize at our school's culture
festival?Okay, I know what I'm going to try for!%001:  Is this shooting range put on by the survival club?Makoto:  That's right.%001:  Why is there a Uranus game system up there?Makoto:  We're not worried that anyone's going to get
it. Take a look...All three girls were having trouble shooting straight
because of the recoil from their weapons.An automatic rifle is a difficult thing to aim.%001:  What if they hit the target accidentally?Makoto:  They have to knock over the prize they want to
win, but that won't be so easy with these prizes. Do you
get my meaning?%001:  .........Are you trying to cheat people?Makoto:  I didn't say we were cheating. All I mean is,
just because you hit your target, doesn't mean it will
fall over.%001:  You're terrible!%001:  That'll be one Uranus game system, thank you!Makoto:  Y- You'll be sorry! We won't forget this!%001:  Yes, yes. Hurry up with the game system.Makoto:  I'm going to sneak into your house and wait for
you when you least expect it. You'll see!%001:  I don't look forward to that. I'll see you later.Reiko:  %001, look what I got!%001:  That's great.Kiyomi:  I got a prize, too!%001:  You did? Great!Mio:  And me, too!%001:  Wow, you all won something! I just got this game
system here.Mio:  I just fired all my rounds at once.Reiko:  Me, too. I wasn't sure what I would hit.Kiyomi:  We just divided up the prizes between the three
of us.Mio:  Well, shall we have lunch?%001:  Ah, good idea.With that, the four of us took our spoils of war and
went off.CS822.OVL%001:  I'd like one clip.Makoto:  Here you go. One clip holds two hundred rounds.
The recoil is really strong, so be careful.%001:  Are you sure this is safe, Makoto?   
CT14A0Makoto:  Reasonably safe. Be careful with that gun. 
We've modified it quite a bit.%001:  Isn't that illegal?Makoto:  There's nothing closer to a man's heart than
his weapons, %001. I'm sure you'll never understand.I want to shoot him. I won't deny it.It wouldn't be nice, though.<Take careful aim...And squeeze the trigger!*BAM BAM BAM BAM*%001:  Wow!You're right, the recoil is incredibly strong.%001:  I'll get it this time...Makoto:  Impossible.%001:  Is it really okay to shoot the Uranus game system?
Won't it get damaged?Makoto:  We've encased the contents of the box with
steel plates.%001:  Oh.%001:  Fire!
*BABABABABABABABABABA*Automatic rounds fill the air in front of me. I directed the
spew of flame at the Uranus game system.Makoto:  I don't believe it!Makoto is saying something, but I can't hear him over
the roar of my weapon.Makoto:  What?It appeared that I had been given an rifle many times
stronger than the ones the others were using.The last bullet from my clip managed to knock the Uranus
box off of its pedestal.Makoto:  No! I wanted it for myself!Makoto dropped to his knees in shock.