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CT02A0%001:  Um, Kiyomi, can I talk to you?Kiyomi:  Me? Why, yes! What's the matter?%001:  Um, do you know how to dance?Kiyomi:  Um.......a little.%001:  That'd be fine. I was wondering if you could
teach me how.Kiyomi:  Oh, yes, I'd be happy to!%001:  Shall we go?.....................................................
;AE_034Kiyomi's teaching me how to dance.When I told her I didn't know how to dance, I was telling
the truth.I just never had the chance to learn.I always thought it was something you could pick up without
any special lessons, but I was wrong.She's not that good herself, but she's a lot better than
me.Hmm, this is a little dangerous.I wonder if she really knows as much as she seems to
think she does.Kiyomi:  %001? Is anything wrong?%001:  Oh...no.She looks like she's going to trip and fall.I wonder if she's okay?I don't have time for that!%001: I'm sorry, Kiyomi...Kiyomi:  Mm? Why are you apologizing?%001:  Oh, for asking you to do this for me.Kiyomi:  No, I don't mind at all. I'm having fun!%001:  Thanks, Kiyomi...Kiyomi:  Now you're thanking me. Why?%001:  For teaching me.Kiyomi:  But I'm not finished yet. Why thank me now?%001:  Oh, you're right.I don't have time for that!Kiyomi:  Um, shall we try this?%001:  Are you okay?Kiyomi:  Yes, I'm fine. Left, right...Whoops!*CRASH*Kiyomi lost her balance and came crashing down.Taking me with her, of course.Kiyomi:  %001, are you alright?%001:  I'm fine. Um, will you get off me?Kiyomi:  Oh, I'm sorry!How did she managed to fall on top of me like that?%001:  Maybe we should give up.Kiyomi:  No! We can't give up yet!%001:  ....Oh, okay.Kiyomi:  Shall we dance some more?%001:  Okay.......Right, left, right...%001:  Whoops!*CRASH*%001:  Ouch!Kiyomi:  Are you alright?%001:  I'm fine, but will you get off me again?This time she was kneeling on my back.Kiyomi:  Oh, I'm such a foolish girl! Ho ho ho!%001:  ........................I wonder if she's not doing that on purpose...Kiyomi:  Left, right, yes, that's good.%001:  Really?........Is she in a position to be judging how I'm doing?*SLIP*%001:  Whoops!*CRASH*%001:  Ouch!This time it was my fault.Kiyomi:  Are you alright, Kiyomi?%001:  I'm fine. I just lost sight of my feet for a
moment.Kiyomi:  You're quite a klutz, aren't you!%001:  .......Huh?I guess I'll just leave that one alone.%001:  Is this right?Kiyomi:  Yes, that's very good.%001:  Really? You're going to make me blush.Kiyomi:  No, you're really good. You're good at everything
you do, %001.%001:  ........Thanks.*SLIP*%001:  .............Kiyomi:  Are you alright?%001:  Sure. I'm getting the hang of this finally.Kiyomi:  You're rather clumsy!I can't figure her out...Kiyomi:  You're really a lot better, %001!%001:  Thanks... I guess.%001:  It's all thanks to you, Kiyomi.Kiyomi:  ......Eh?*SLIP*Kiyomi:  Oh no!!%001:  .........Careful! Oh! .....Not again!*CRASH*Losing her balance, Kiyomi grabbed a hold of me. We both
went down.%001:  Ouch!Kiyomi:  Oh, my...!%001:  I'm sorry...When we fell, I accidentally grabbed her breast.Kiyomi:  Oh, it's my fault...%001:  No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have put my hand
there...Kiyomi:  No! You didn't do anything wrong, %001!%001:  ......................Kiyomi:  ......................%001:  ...Let's dance some more, Kiyomi.Kiyomi:  Okay, let's.........................................................By the time the dance party drew to a close, we had learned
to dance without falling.Kiyomi stood in front of me, a dream-like smile fixed to
her face.Kiyomi:  The moon is beautiful tonight...%001:  Yes, it is.I realized I couldn't stop looking into Kiyomi's eyes.I looked up at that moon, and it seemed as if it was
shining just for Kiyomi and I, and there was no one else
in the world.I'll never forget that night.....................................................|xxxxx;CS901.OVL